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a few days have passed and dele hasn't heard a word from zara

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a few days have passed and dele hasn't heard a word from zara.

at first, he thought something bad might have happened to her until he saw her post on instagram. he hasn't been harassing her with non stop calls or texts as they aren't in a relationship.

but dele would still like to know why she's ignoring him. did he do something wrong? did her friends say something to her? he just wants to know.

the only person dele knows who knows zara is harry, but he didn't want to include harry into this as it has nothing to do with him. plus he doesn't want to bother him.

after training, dele spent the afternoon at eric's, he feels bad not spending time with him as much since he's been so caught up with zara. they both promised themselves to never let a woman come between their friendship.

'you know you don't have to go dele, you can just stay over.' says eric with a shrug while dele puts on his coat.

'thanks but no thanks, there's something really important i have to do.' says dele.

'you're always doing something important, we never hang out anymore. this is the first time we've hung out in ages.'

'we see each other at training.'

'that's not the same!'

'i'm sorry but i'm just really busy at the moment, that's all.'

eric frowns at his best friend before deciding to finally speak up.

'it's zara isn't it?' he says crossing his arms. dele suddenly turns around and looks up at him in surprised. he's never mentioned her to eric, he has no idea how he knows about her.

'you don't need to come up with some bullshit excuse dele, i hope you and harry talk about her the other day.'

'eric i-'

'look man, i don't care that you're talking to some girl and it's going somewhere. it's just the fact you didn't tell me, i'm supposed to be your best friend. is there something about zara that you don't me knowing or what is it? i'm not angry, just a little upset.'

dele looks at him and sighs before sitting down on a chair.

'i didn't want to tell you or anyone because i don't want to be like "oh yeah it's going really well between us" and then within a week it's done and dusted. you know what i'm like and how unlucky i am with relationships. i'm not in a relationship with her but i'm hoping we get there someday. i know, we always tell each other everything but i don't know she's just, different. and i have a feeling she could be good for me.'

eric just looks at him for a few moments without saying anything. he isn't mad at him, he's happy. but still slightly upset he didn't tell him about her.

'you really like her don't you?' he says.

'yeah i do.' replies dele with a nod.

'well i don't want to get in the way so please go and do what you have to do.'

'thanks mate for being so understanding about this. i promise you, i will tell everything tomorrow!' says dele with a big smile giving eric a hug.

'alright alright, just go and get her mate.'

• •

dele has just arrived at zara's apartment, noticing her car is parked by the entrance. he parks his car gets out and heads toward the lift.

he is just concerned by zara, he doesn't want to seem like a stalker, he just wants to know why she's ignoring him.

while he's walking down the hallway, he tries to rehearse in his head what he's gonna say to her so he doesn't look like an idiot.

dele knocks at the front door and a few moments later the door opens, but this time revealing a tall shirtless attractive man, even taller than dele. dele just looks at him in shock.

'can i help you?' he says looking at dele, eyebrow raised.

'i um-' dele starts to say until zara starts to speak up from inside.

'who's at the door joe?' she says.

who the fuck is joe? he thought.

'i was just leaving.' says dele quickly, slightly upset and embarrassed until he hears the familiar voice.


'you know him?' says joe slightly pissed off.

dele turns around and looks at her, she just looks at him as embarrassed as he does.

'i'm sorry i bothered you. i didn't realise i was interrupting something. remind me to never talk to you again.'

'dele come on it's not what it looks like! i'm sorry!'

'no i'm sorry zara for thinking you were interested in me. i thought we might have been going somewhere but i guess i was wrong. i trusted you and you know how hard it is for me to trust someone. you just left me at wembley without a text a call or anything. i tried contacting you and i got nothing.'

'call me overdramatic but i thought something happened to you because i wasn't hearing from you. i was starting to get worried about you. but then i saw you were smiling and happy on your instagram. if you didn't want to hear from me you could have just said instead of blanking me out.'

'and now i've come here to try and talk to you but it looks like you were too busy here with your man toy.' he says looking up at jack who just looks down at him in disgust.

'dele please, can we talk about this?'

'if you were so bothered about having me in your life, you wouldn't have tried and got rid of me. but you got your wish, i'm out of your life now.' says dele looking at her one last time before turning around and walking away.

i KNOW it seems overdramatic but it's a fanfic so yk! but dele struggles with trust issues and he was really starting to like her and she just pulls some shit like that.

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