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'thank you for doing this for me lads, i really appreciate it

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'thank you for doing this for me lads, i really appreciate it.' says zara as she drives into the school's carpark.

'don't worry about it baby, i know how much you love your job.' says dele in the front seat next to her.

'yeah and you always loved helping the kids.' says harry in the back. eric just stays silent in the backseat.

today is the fundraiser at zara's work. she asked dele if he could maybe come and play a few matches with some of the kids and he gladly agreed, he even got a few of his teammates to agree. except one of the teammates that agreed is eric and they're still both not on speaking terms.

zara parks the car and they all get out and walk towards the playing field where her boss is standing. a few people notice them and come rushing over.

'zara hi! i'm so glad you're here.' says mr gomes with a smile then looking at dele heung min eric and harry.

'i'm glad to be here! so this is dele harry and eric, guys this is mr gomes who's the headmaster and my boss.'

'thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedules to come and support us, it really means a lot. since people found out that tottenham hotspur players might be here, we've had more people than ever.'

'don't worry about it, it's our pleasure to help out zara, to help the school and to spend time with our younger supporters.' says harry with a smile.

'now just tell me one thing, where can i put my football boots on?'

• •

a few hours have passed and even more people have turned up to see the players play with the youngsters. zara smiles as the year 5s all run over to dele and give him a hug after he's just scored for their team. they're been split into two teams with eric and harry on one and heung min and dele the other. the children are loving spending time and playing with some of their idols, even some of the older students are enjoying themselves.

'getting any ideas?' asks joe as he stands next to zara and crosses his arms.

'when did you get here? and i don't know what you mean.'

'just got here a few minutes ago, just got out of work and wanted to see how you're getting on. and i meant about dele with kids, getting any ideas?'

'no chance.'

'you say that now but i bet you'll be popping out little deles in no time.'

'no thanks, got better things to do then become a mum at the moment.'

'i know you've always wanted kids though.'

'yes i know, but not right now. couple of years maybe if we're still together.'

a few moments later, dele comes running over, throws his arms around zara brings us close and kisses her. all the kids around them giggle.

'ooooooh!' all the kids say around them.

'what was that for?' says zara laughing.

'nothing just felt it.' he says with a wink before running off again to play with the kids.

also dele, hasn't told zara but he's donating a hundred thousand pounds towards the school which will go towards better equipment , school trips, better pay and hopefully happier students.

'can't believe you're going out with a footballer, that's so cool zara.' says one of the older students.

'thanks jake.' she says laughing.

'not even joking, the fact you got the players here and helped to organise this today is immense. you're the best teacher ever.'

• •

after a long day at school, zara and dele are finally driving back to her place. she dropped off the others off at their places on the way back, dele and eric are still not talking to each other.

'you know, you can't stay mad at him forever.' says zara suddenly as dele looks up from his phone.


'you. at eric. i don't know why you both fell out in the first place but you both need to get past it. i miss having you both being complete idiots together.'

'i'll get past it when he apologises.'

'why don't you apologise first?'

'because i have nothing to apologise for.'

suddenly zara pulls over the side of the road, stops the car and looks at dele.

'why do men act so tough but at the same they're so fragile? apologising isn't going to fucking kill you dele, i don't care if it makes you lose your « masculinity » just grow a pair and show eric who the better person is. i'm not asking you to jump off a cliff, i'm just asking you to say one word, sorry. just get off your high horse, quit getting pissy with me because of him, stop moping around and just do something about it.' she says before turning the key and drives off.

and for the first time since they've been together, dele is speechless.

well that was shit but okay

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