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'dele this is so good

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'dele this is so good.' says zara after finishing the meal that dele just cooked.

'i wasn't sure what you liked or didn't like it so i tried my best trying to find something i'd think you would like.'

'i'm not a funny eater, i eat pretty much anything. i didn't realise you were such a good cook.'

'i don't get to cook for many people and i enjoy it so you know i just kinda did it.' he says with a shrug.

'if you continue like this i'll be over every night.' she says laughing.

dele smiles at zara before standing up and going to grab her plate.

'hey hey no. the rules are whoever cooks doesn't do the dishes.' says zara standing up.

'no, you're the guest so you just sit there and relax.'

'please you've already cooked me a lovely meal. i'm not letting you wash up as well.' says zara grabbing the plates out of his hands and walking to the kitchen.

'fine then let me dry up.'

dele walks into the kitchen where zara has already got her sleeves rolled up as she starts to wash the saucepans. while she's concentrating on washing up, dele watches her and smiles until she eventually feels dele's gaze on her.

'what?' she says with a smile as she looks at him.

'nothing nothing.' he says grinning and shaking his head.

'come on there must be something if won't tell me.'

'there's just a little something on your face.'

'wait what? where?'

'there.' says dele suddenly grabbing some bubbles and putting it all over zara's face.

'dele!' she says laughing before grabbing the extendable tap and spraying dele in the face.

'not the hair!' he says laughing and trying to cover his hair.

'oops my hand slipped.' she says shrugging then sprays him again, this time up and down his body taking him by surprise.

'you did not just do that.'

'hand slipped again. such a shame.' she says with a wink.

'it's quite cold, i think i need some warming up. why don't you come over zara?' says dele walking over to her with his arms open.

'no you're quite alright.' she says as she walks backwards.

zara notices that dele's wet shirt is now sticking to his body which reveals his defined abs, and she can't help herself but take a look. dele notices her looking and smirks.

'like what you see?'

zara suddenly goes slightly red in embrassement before dele quickly rushes towards her and wraps his arms around her.

'ew gross get off of me!' she says laughing as she's suddenly wet before pushing dele away from her.

'damn babe, we've only known each other a couple of weeks and you're already wet for me.' he says, smirk still plastered on his face.

'get over yourself.' she says as he gets closer to her, making her feel suddenly hot.

'i'd rather be over you babe.' he says looking at her straight in the eyes, so close to her that she can feel his warm breath on her.

out of nowhere zara just wraps her arms around dele's neck and kisses him.

• •

'zara can we talk?' asks dele as he walks in after having a shower.

'of course, what's up?' she says looking up at him.

she looks so good in my clothes, he thought.

after their little "water fight", they both had to take a shower and put on dry clothes. while her clothes dry off in the dryer, dele is letting her wear some of his which are way to big on her.

zara sits crossed legged on his sofa as he sits down next to her and takes a deep breath.

'right okay i don't want you to get scared or think i'm being too forward about anything. i don't really know how to say but this but there's just something about zara. you're so sweet kind and funny, you treat me as a human being not just as a footballer. i know this might sound kind of ridiculous as we've only known each other a few weeks but i'm starting to really like you.'

'and when i mean really like you, i mean more than a friend. i don't want this to make you feel uncomfortable or ruin our friendship, i just thought i needed to tell you. there's just something apart you that has me attracted like a magnet, i don't know how to explain it. i tried pushing back this feeling thinking i was being stupid but then you kissed me earlier and it hasn't left my mind since.'

'i just felt something, i don't what and i don't know if you did but i did. i don't want to be a cliché but there was a definitely a spark.'

zara just sits there slightly in shock and in confusion after what dele had just said. she wasn't expecting him to say something like and it's quite a lot for her to take in so suddenly. he just admitted he had feelings for her.

'well, i wasn't expecting so i'm sorry if i seem a little be shocked from all that. but i have been glad that you're in my life now, you've made it that slight bit better. there is something between us, there's no point of even trying that. just think about it, dele, would i have kissed you if i didn't feel anything?'

so! next part will be the cliché she goes to the stadium to watch him play. but she won't be with the wags, she'll just be with the rest of the supporters. and also thank you for 1k reads!

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