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it's wednesday afternoon and zara is currently finishing up on some paperwork in her office

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it's wednesday afternoon and zara is currently finishing up on some paperwork in her office. today has been pretty stressful for her, there's been a bunch of teenage drama in year nine with someone creating a rumour about one of the students.

as she's typing away in her files, her phone vibrates.

kate: zara, where have you been? i haven't heard from you in ages! harry has told me dele has been in such a good mood recently, i'm guessing you have something to do with it?

kate: anyway call me soon, we need to catch up!

zara laughs slightly at the dele comment before picking up her phone and replying.

zara: hey! sorry, i've been extremely busy with work and everything. but yeah we definitely need to catch up soon, i have a lot to tell you!

she puts her phone down before continuing to type on her computer. she looks out the window, watching the students all leave the school premises and sighs. she's been so busy lately she just wants to go home and sleep for the rest of the week.

around ten minutes later, as she's just finishing up, someone knocks on the door.

'come in.' she says looking up from her screen as the person walks in, her eyes widen.

'dele?' she says standing up.

'surprise?' he says with a cheeky grin on his face as he hands her a bouquet of flowers.

'what are you doing here?' she says as he wraps his arms around her.

'well i was on my way to your place but then i realised you might still be at work so i drove here. and lucky for me, i remembered what time lessons finished otherwise that could have been fun.'

'how did you get here like inside the school?'

'well the lady at the main office was still there so i spoke to her.'

'did you actually sign in to come and see me?'

'oh no, i think she was slightly flirting with me until i told her i came here to see you. she was suddenly disappointed by that and just let me through. but then i didn't know where i was going so i asked this one guy, think he was an arsenal supporter because he said something about spurs being shit.'

'wait you didn't see anyone else did you?'

'no why?'

'there's just some of my colleagues that know about you but don't know you're a footballer. they would probably say some stupid shit so i haven't told them yet that's all.'

'fair enough. anyway, i didn't come to chit chat, i came to pick you up and take you home. i know you've been busy and stressed out with work, you could use a little tlc.' says dele with a small smile wrapping his arms around her and bringing her close.

'oh yeah? what do you have in mind?' she says with a slight smirk.

'oh you know, running you a bath cooking watching a film then maybe later we could-'

he goes to kiss her but zara stops him by putting her finger to his lip.

'not yet pretty boy.'

• •

zara has just gotten out of the bath dele ran for her. he carefully placed candles around the bath whilst filling it with different petals and oils with jazz music softly playing in the background.

'how are you feeling?' asks dele as she walks out of the bathroom and into the kitchen / dining room.

'i feel amazing, thank you.' she says kissing his cheek before sitting on the island and watching him cook.

'i wouldn't sit there, it's practically done. go and sit at the table.'

she gets off the island, grabs a bottle of wine from the fridge and sits at the table which dele has made up nicely. a few moments later dele walks over with two plates in his hand and places one in front of her.

'it looks amazing.'

'of course it does, i made it! he says jokingly making her roll her eyes.

'anyway i was wondering, does eric mind that i've practically stolen you off him?'

'actually he really wants to meet you. i think you would both get on pretty well. as there aren't any parents to meet, eric is the next best thing.'

'oh he means that much to you huh?'

'well he's my best friend and he's always been there for me so yeah. but don't get stressed out about meeting him, he's a fucking idiot.' he says making her laugh slightly.

they eat their meal making small talk here and there. dele has been wanting to ask her something but he's never had the guts or found the right time to ask her.

'zara, i have something to ask you.' he says suddenly making her look at him.

'what is it?'

'well i don't want to weird you out or anything but what are we? i mean we flirt go out on dates we kiss but we're still not fully together. i mean if you just want to be friends that's fine if you want to see other people that's fine too if you want to be more than that that's great and if-'

zara just grabs his face and kisses him, making him be quiet. she can feel him slightly smile in the kiss.

'i should blabber more often.' he says giggling like a small child making her smile.

'i understand what you mean dele, i want us to be more too. but i just need a little more time. i know you're probably tired of waiting for me but i just need it. i hope you understand, i really like you and i do want to be with you.'

'i'll wait as long as it takes if it means i get to be yours.'

dele is so sickly sweet i can't even-
anyway once again, lowkey a mess but please check out my other fanfics 🤝

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