Chapter 14: Sam

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"Guys. Sams gone."



"No. No that can't happening. He's my brother. I'm supposed to protect him."

"Sweetie. It's kind of the other way around."

"Not for me."


"I need to find him."

"We can't do anything. We've called, and even sent in directs on twitter an nothing. By the fans have gone crazy."

"They're good people."


"I'll be right back."

"Where are you going?"

"Starbucks. Don't tell Connor." I lied through my teeth.

"I won't." I grabbed y white converse and bolted for the door. As soon as I was outside, I grabbed my pennyboard and sped towards the Starbucks. What the boys, and Sam, didn't know is that I downloaded the find my phone app onto their phones. Starbucks came into view. And it was surrounded and crowded by white girls in the o2l fandom. Perfect.

"Isn't that Rylie Lawley?"

"It is!" The started running over to mob me, but I stopped them.

"Hey. I need to ask you guys a favor."

"What's up?"

"You know how Sam pottorff went missing right?"

"Yeah. We were trying to find him."

"Cool. Well I have the find my phone app on the boys and mines phones. So who want to help me find Sam and beat the shit out of his kidnappers?!"

"We do!"

"Good. Now I'm going to track him down and as soon as I have an address, we will go. For now, get Starbucks."

"Woo!" They all went inside and ordered. I started trying to locate Sam. After maybe 5 minutes, I had an address. I rushed inside and stood ok the counter.

"I have an address. Let's go!" I jumped off the counter an outside first, getting on my pent board and leading them towards him. We sped down different roads around Los Angeles until we came to our destination.

"Ok. We need to be quiet so they don't hear us coming." They nodded. "Ready? On three. One. Two. Three!" We started banging on the locked door. Until it started coming loose. "Step back." They did as told and I kicked the door in with all my energy. "GO!?!?!?" We stormed inside looking for Sam. He was sitting unconscious in a chair tied up. No one else was here. Weird. We all stood there facing different directions.

"Welcome." There were soft murmurs through the crowd of girls. And boys.

"We've been expecting you Rylie." They were expecting me? This is getting creepy. Suddenly a light appeared and shown down onto a guy on the corner. And another. And another and another. Let's just say there were a lot guys. Wait not just guys. But one girl and 9 guys. Why would she need bodyguards. Unless she knew what I was capable of. Woah. Wait. Now. It can't be.

"Acacia?" Everyone knew who she was and gasped.

"What's up street rat. I'm back."

"Holy shit."

"Wasn't expecting this, were ya?"

"Not really. But let's just say you won't get away with this. And there will be punishments forced upon you. I know people on the police squad of LA. I know people in the FBI. Hell, I know people in the government. Don't ask." She gave a confused face then rolled her eyes. "So there will be punishments. In the future. And now."

"What do you mean. You can't hurt me. You're alone. Just like your entire life."

"That tears it. Go." The crowd behind me was at least 50+ people. Acacias face went from shock to horror in 0.2 seconds. It was funny. As the boys and girls rushed by me, I saw acacia start to run to another room. I grabbed a giant rope and ran to the other side. I climbed up onto a mini platform that was kind of high up. I held onto the rope and jumped. I felt like Tarzan. Swinging on a rope like it was a vine.

I finally came close to acacia and swung my legs down. I came with full force if the jump and kicked her in the stomach. She ended up flying across nearly half if the rest of the building. That was amazing. I noticed all the guards were knocked out, good work.

"Ok. I'll grab Sam and we go for victory Chipotle."

"Yeah!" I ran down and grabbed Sam. I untied him and tried waking him up. I shook him. Nothing. I poked him on every inch of his face. Nothing. I shook him harder. Nothing. I slapped him across the face. Nothing. I almost have up when an idea came to mind. I ran to his left and kicked him. The chair tipped over and Sam woke up. I heard a muffled scream as he fell. Hahaha.

"Hahaha. Are you ok?"

"Yeah." He said as he got the price if cloth off his mouth. "What happened?"



Cliff hanger! Ok. How'd you like it? Good yeah? Good. Anyways. How's life been? Hope it's been wonderful. Alright. I might start a question of the chapter, is that alright? Well I'm doing it.

Qotc: If you were famous, what would you want yours fan to be called? (directioner, lovatic, etc.)

Aotc: Elliens. Kind of like aliens but with y name involved. So yeah.

On another note. 1k reads!!! I feel so special. Even though it happens to a lot if people. Whatever. Hope you enjoyed. Love you my little Elliens. 👽

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