Chapter 17: Friends *Part 2*

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*Sam's POV* 

Rylie and Trevor broke up. Trevor walked away then she ran. God what the hell is wrong with him. Just because a stupid dare, this shit happened. God. He's so stupid sometimes. 

"Hey guys. Do you think she's depressed and bawling?"

"Possibly. I mean I know one thing." Connor said. "Is that when she's upset she...she..."

"What. Finish your sentence."

"RYLIE! I'M COMING BABY!" He got up and sprinted up the stairs. 

"What's up with him?" Matt asked. 

"Oh she used to cut when she gets depressed and HOLY MOTHER FUCKING SHIT! RYLIE I'M COMING BABY DOLL!" All the o2l guys, except Trevor, ran upstairs and started banging on her locked door. 

"Rylie let us in." Nothing.

"Rylie please!" Still nothing. I grabbed the key off the top of her door and unlocked it. She wasn't in there. Her bathroom dor was locked. We started banging on it, harder than the first. We didn't hear any movement. Shit. She must be asleep. I hope. I unlocked her bathroom door to see a sight I never wanted to see again. 

She was laying on the floor, covered in blood, razor in hand. She had at least 15 still bleeding cuts on her arm. Oh my god. We broke out into tears. 

"Rylie?" I choked out. Kian had to leave the room. He couldnt see his daughter like this. No. SHe wasn't moving. Oh my god she's dead. No no no no no. She can't be dead. NO. 

'NO!" I screamed and ran downstairs to see Trevor happily eating a nutella sandwich. I stormed up to him and punched him in the face. He dropped his food and held his now bloody nose. 

"What the hell?" 

"You desrve this." I kicked him in the nuts and he doubled over. I started kicking and punching him. I had to let him know what my anger was. This is his fault.


"What did I do?"

"Everything!" I kicked him again and he fell =. I went to kick him one more time, but he put his hand up in surrender. 

"Stop. Please. I don't know what I did. But I didn't mean it."

"FIrst you break up with Rylie, then she gets all depressed and bawls her eyes out, then she cuts again and now she's laying passed out on her bathroom floor covered in blood. This is your fault." 

"Oh." I started bawling again. Nash, Cam, Aaron, Matt Shawn walked into the kitchen to see me tear stained cheeks and bloodshot eyes and a bruised and bleeding Trevor. 

"What happened?"


"Did you beat him up?"

"Maybe. But that's not important right now. We need to get Rylie to the hospital."

"Ok. Want me to carry her?"

"I think Kian's got that."

"Guys." Kian ran in. "I got her in the car. Lets go."

"Ok." We ran to our cars and loaded in. Me, Jc and Connor we holding her while Kian and Ricky were in the front. Trevor went with the magcon boys. 

We soon arrived at the hospital. I picked her up and ran inside.

"Help! We need help!" A nurse rushed over.

"What's wrong?"

"She's bleeding a lot."

"Ok. We'll check her out and get her cleaned up."

"Thank you so much. She means the world to me."


"NO brother and sister."

"Oh ok. She'll be ok in no time."

"Thanks." A bed got wheeled over and she was placed gently onto it. They wheeled her away to a room. I sat down in the waiting room and was soon joined by the 14 other boys. It was quiet. We were all on our hpones, but I was still crying looking through the pictures we took of us two being silly. I miss her so much. 

"I miss her man." 

"Me too."

"I hope she'll be ok."

"Yeah. Me too." I started crying even more knowing that she might be ok or not. No one knows. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


Hey guys. Just to let you know, the last two chapters were hard to write. I held back my own tears. This is getting crazy. Hope you enjoy. Love you lots. ~E

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