Chapter 16: Friends *Part 1*

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I can't believe it. I'm going to meet the Roberts twins. They are amazing. If you're confused, the Roberts twins are two youtubers who are hilarious. They're the total opposites.

Max: Blue, purple and green hair. A lot of tattoos. Nose stud (right side) and lip ring (left side). She's very punk to me.

Alex: Brown hair. Like 2 or 3 tattoos. No piercings. More girly.

Max and Alex are literally polar opposites. Girly and punk.


"What the fuck do you want now?"

"Wow. Cool it. Just wanted to let you know that a few people are here already. Jesus."

"Sorry. Little pissy."

"Got it. Get changed. No sweated and crop tops today."

"What ever." I walked to my room and got my blue bandana, green day cut off crop top and my ripped up jeans. Skinny of course. I then straightened my hair and tied the bandana around my head. Now for makeup. Ooh. Got it.

I would go with very heavy mascara and eyeliner, like Billie Joe from green day. I then put on cover up and slight blush. I had always gotten along with Max more. I don't know why. But I then put black lines on my cheek bones, like a football player. I looked pretty punkish to me. I put my black vans on and went down stairs.

"She's alive!"

"Shut it Caylen. I'm not in the mood."

"Jesus Christ. Someone pissed in your coffee this morning."

"Whatever. Are max and Alex here yet?"

"No. Not for another hour. An Trevor said he would be here later cause a family thing."

"Ok. I'm getting food." I walked to the kitchen and I saw people staring at me as I walked out. Shit were there people here?

"Caylen. There's guests here right?"

"Yes are you blind?"

"Just wondering. Don't fucking sass me boy!" I yelled not caring if dad heard me.

"Watch it young lady." Fuck.

"Watch what?"

"Your mouth."

"That's kind of hard with out a mirror, don't you think?"

"Shut up or you're grounded."

"I can't be grounded by a person. That's what gravity's for."

"Watch that sass."

"You can't watch sass. It's not in a physical shape."

"Go to the kitchen. I'll be in in a sec."

"Where there's food? Hell yeah." I walked into the kitchen. I was going to be in deep shit.

I walked into the kitchen opening the fridge to get the glass container of pickles. I love pickles! I shut the fridge, only to see and angry Kian standing there.

"AHH!" I dropeed the glass jar and it shattered, pickle juice and glass flying everywhere. 

"Holy shit. You scared me."

"Good. We need to talk." 

"Why? Theres people here. Want me to socialize instead of a real punishment, cause that's punishment to me."

"Yes and no. One, part of it is to socialize. Two, is you're grounded from pennyboarding for a week."

"That's not fair!"

"Yes it is. Now clean this up. I'll be in the living room." Great. Now I'm grounded. But Max and Alex should be here soon. Yay! 

"Hayes. Truth or dare." They're playing truth or dare with out me? How rude. I walked in and stood in the door way area. 


"Ok. I, umm, dare you to...kiss Rylie." My face went blank. So did his. I just met him. No way in hell.

"I just met him. No way in-" His lips crashed into mine. Oh. My. God.

"Hey guys. Sorry I'm late. I-" Trevor. He walked in and saw me and Hayes kissing. Great. Just great. I pulled away. 

"Trev. It's not what it looks like."

"Oh yeah. It doesn's look like my best friend my age and my girlfriend are kissing. No. Not at all." 

"Trev please listen to me. It was a dare. I didn't want to kiss him. Seriously. We just met. Just listen to me."

"No. Rylie. I'm sorry. We're over." 

"What? No. This can't be happening. Please. Trev please." I started crying. 

"No. It's over." He walked into the kitchen. I cleaned up the mess. Don't woory. I turned to face the 15 boys sitting in my living room. 

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT FOR MAKING ME SOCIALIZE!" I sprined up the stairs to my room while bawling my eyes out. I slammed my door and dug my face into my pillow. 

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed into it. I bawled my eyes out even harder than before. I ran into my bathroom and grabbed my razor. My only friend right now. I started cutting, slowly at first, but a bit faster. I just wanted an escape. From this. From Trevor. From the boys. From everything. I dug deep into my wrist and blood starting dripping out. I dug in again, and i started to bleed a lot. And in minutes, everything went black.

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