Chapter 10: Celebrities

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"Hey watch where you're going." Someone said. I opened my eyes and looked up only to see...

*End Recap*

Harry Styles.

"Sorry. Didn't see you there."

"It's ok." He said. God this is awesome.I was stiil laying on the ground with Harry towering over me. Sam and Trevor rode up.

"Are you ok Ry?"

"Fine. Boys, meet Harry Styles."

"Hey. Did you knock her over?"

"Yes and no. Her eyes were closed and she had earbuds. And She ran into me. But it was my fault for not moving. I'm sorry my lady." He said helping me up. I took his hand and blushed furiously.

"You ok there Ry?"


"Do you, like me, or something?" Harry asked.

"Let's just say I haven't been a carrot since 2010."

"Oh. You're a fan."

"No. A directioner."

"Cool. Hey listen. The lads are waiting for me. Can I get your number?"

"Sure." I punched in my number and he did the same. I blushed furiously again.

"Bye Harry. Hope we can meet up sometime."

"Same to you, my lady." He said bowing and walking away. I turned around and looked at Sam and Trevor.

"I just met Harry fucking Styles. From One fucking Direction. THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!" I yelled, drawing attention form passer byers. Sucks for them. They don't have Harry Styles number. Hahahaha. I went on twitter and tweeted that I met my new bestie.

'Hey just bumped into @harrystyles on the street here in LA. Hope to see him again' Now that drew attention from other Directioners. I started walking back to the house, then realized I left Sam and Trevor back where I fell.

"Forgetting us?"

"No." I said. "Come on. It's almost, oh, lunch time. We were out for a while."

"Yeah we were. Let's go." We put or boards down and took off.


"WE"RE HOME!" I yelled throughout the house. No one. Not even Wishbone. Where were they? I walked into the kitchen to see a note from Kian.

'Hey sunshine. We went to the store to pick up some more food. We're running out. Call when you get home. Love you, Dad.' I got my phone out and called Kian.

"Hey sunshine. What's up."

"Nothing much. Just got home from pennyboarding and making a riend."

"You made a friend?"

"Duh. Guess who it was."

"Umm. Harry Styles."

"Yes. Actually."

"Cool. Cause I'm talking to him right now. And the other lads. We were walking in the parking lot and saw them pull up. Since we're famous, kind of, and they're famous, we decided to talk to them. Also cause Connor started freaking out. A lot."

"Put Harry on the phone."

"Ok. Harry. it's for you."


"Hey bestie!"

"Rylie. How are you. Even though I saw you like 10 minutes ago."

"Pretty good. PLease tell me in that 10 minutes of not seeing you, you didn't straighten your hair." He chuckled slightly.

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