Chapter 1

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(Y/n)'s pov.

"Faster, you beasts! You run like mules! " I heard the Pharaoh's first born son, Rameses II, yell somewhere from the castle grounds.

I sighed. Those boys will surely get in trouble. You never can keep them in one place. I thought as I continued sewing one of Queen Tuya's dressess for the upcoming banquet in the Queen's room.

The Queen then sighed as well and closed her book.

"Those boys will be the death of me." I slightly chuckled at this.

"Well, Your Highness, there is nothing to be done with them. Let's just hope that it is only a faze and that they will mature over time."

"Hey, Rameses, how'd you like your face carved on a wall?" We both heard the Pharaoh's second born son, Moses, yell in the distance.

"And I hope it will be before they decide to kill each other." I said and the Queen laughed.

"I truely do hope so, and please (Y/n), you can drop the formailties. I believe you and I are well acquaintaned to adress each other with our names, in private at least."

I smiled gently at the Queen of Egypt. Ever since I was little, I sworked in the Palace as much as possible and often played with the two princes. And after my mother died when I was 12 of a deadly sickness and my father, General (F/n), was killed in battle, the Queen took me under her wing and I became her personal servant.

That was six years ago. Now at the age of 18, almost 19, I had grown into an elegant and intelligent young woman.

Often than not, I thought that Queen Tuya considered me as her daughter, since she lost her's when her daughter, Miriam, was just 16. I often pitied the Queen and comforted her as much as possible.

To be honest, Princess Miriam was my role model. She too believed that slavery should be ended, like me, and with her last breath wished for the hebrew children to not be killed. But they didn't obey to her last wish. At least not yet. And I was disgusted at this.

"Of course." I said and smiled gently at her.

 (Just imagine that that's how (Y/n) smiles in this scene, and, to be honest, I imagined (Y/n) to be simmular to Leta Lestrange

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 (Just imagine that that's how (Y/n) smiles in this scene, and, to be honest, I imagined (Y/n) to be simmular to Leta Lestrange.)

"Alright," I said after a few seconds and secured the last stich to the Queen's while silk dress. "I think it's done. Would you like to try it on?"

The Queen then stood up and moved in front of the full lenght mirror. I then helped the Queen get dressed in it as well as applied a bit of makeup and jewleries.

"By the Gods, (Y/n)." Queen Tuya said as she slightly examined the dress. "You have outdone yourself. It's beautiful. And made by the great (Y/n)'s golden hands."

I laughed slightly. "My Queen, it wasn't a really big deal for me. Becides it's my job to do things like these." I said as i put all of the sewing equipment away.

"But truely, thank you, (Y/n)." The Queen said.

Then a few seconds later a royal messenger came into the room, panting.

"Your Highness, the Pharaoh has requested your presence in the throne room immediantely." the messenger said.

The Queen's face then changed into a confused and serious one. "May I know the reason behind this?"

"The two princes just destroyed a temple while riding in chariots."

The Queen then sighed and dismissed the messenger.

"You should go and confront the boys about this, (Y/n)." The Queen said, looking at me with a tired expression on her face.

"Of course." I then offered a small bow and a small smile and exited the Queen's chambers, going towards the stables where Rameses and Moses will be.

So, what do you think of this story so far? If I am being honest then I am really excited to write this new book and that it will be the first 'Prince of Egypt x reader' that I know of.

Anyway, I really hope you will like or already like this book and that it will turn out great.

Bye! :)

~~~From Maiden's Eyes~~~A Prince of Egypt x reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now