Chapter 12

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(Y/n)'s pov.

~~~10 year timeskip~~~

Amun had just turned 10. The sadness from the Queen's death has long passed. No one dared to tell the young prince about the assassination of his mother and attempted assassination of his beloved father and his councleur.

And it has been 20 years since Moses.....disappeared. As well as ten years since I started getting visions of the future. All of them had been disturbing, like the one about a child laying dead of a platform.

A huge celebratory party was arranged to celabrate Amun's 10th birthday and I was going to make it the best party he ever had. So I had taken the lead to planning this celabration, with the permission of Rameses of course.

To me, Amun was like my own child. A child that in these ten years I wasn't able have since I refused to marry anyone and, eventually, swore that I would be a maiden forever.

"Are the decorations set up? The food?"

But anyway, right now I was walking with a thin stone tablet, a papyrus and a thin charcoal stick, and yelling out orders to all the egyption servants helping me and bustling around me.

"The fruits haven't arrived yet, madam." Khepri told me as she started walking by my side, as did my other maids.

"When are they going to arrive?" I asked my friends.

"At noon." Safiya quickly replied.

"Alright. Anything else missing?" I said.

"Where are we going to put the prince's presents?" Rana asked.

"Prehaps near the dining table where everyone can put them there?" Chione suggested.

"Excellent idea, Chione." I then looked around one last time to make sure everything was in order, and unce I was sure, I loudly clapped my hands to gain everyone's attention.

"Alright everyone, I think that's about it. Thank you all to putting so much effort in helping me. You all deserve a break before the party starts so rest up." Everyone then thanked me and went on their way.

And as I was watching everyone, exept for my maids, leave the huge ballroom, I felt a tug on my dress. I turned my head to see the young prince who was just above the hight of my hip.

"Hello my prince," I said sweetly to him with a bright smile on my face. "is there something I can assist you with?"

"I was just wondering if you'll be at the banquet tonight?" Amun smiled up to me and asked innocently.

The simmular conversation brought back memories when I was still quite young and was best friends with the two princes of Egypt.

Moses. I thought sadly of the man I lost over 20 years ago.

"Auntie (Y/n)?" I heard the little boys voice and snapped out of my thoughts as I knelt down to his level. "You didn't answer my question."

I slightly chuckled. "Sorry, just lost in thoughts. And to answer your question, yes. I will be there, but at some point I'm going to have to leave for some buisness in the city."

I saw the prince's face drop from my last words. "But I will come back. I promise you. You wont even notice I was gone."

His face then immediantely lit up like the sun itself and I smiled at him.

"Now," I said as I stood up and with a teasing grin put my hands on my hips. "don't you have a study session with Hotep and Hoy?"

The boy's face immediantely paled and he ran towards one of the large doors of the palace. I only chuckled at this and shook my head, but then I heard a chuckle behind me aswell.

"You still haven't lost your touch, have you (Y/n)?" I heard a teasing voice and turned to see Rameses smiling at me and leaning against one of the large pillars.

"I believe I haven't." I said teasingly back and be both then laughed.

"It's just like old times." I told Rameses with a sad smile as I looked towards the ground.

"Just like old times." he repeated and then sighed sadly. "I wish he was here."

"I know, I know." I whispered to him gently as I looked into his dark eyes and gently toughed his cheek with my palm and he naturally leaned into it. "I miss him too."

~~~From Maiden's Eyes~~~A Prince of Egypt x reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now