Chapter 7

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(Y/n)'s pov.

It's alredy been a few weeks. A few weeks since Moses ran away from Egypt.

Rameses has sent groups of guards to search for him not even the day after the disapearence. In some of the expeditions, Rameses joined the guards and was gone for a few hours.

Today was one of those days. I watched as Rameses and about 10 guards rode in with their chariots through the large stone gates. The chariots then stopped and Rameses stepped out of his chariot and I made my way towards him.

He then turned to me and sighed. "We didn't find him."

I sighed sadly and nodded my head and proceeded to put his chariot away when he gently grabbed my hand. "(Y/n) you don't have to do that. I will have a slave to do that."

I momentarily flinched from his words. Ever since Moses had gon missing, I couldn't even stand the word 'slave'.

But for the sake of the only part of the family that I have left, I managed not to show my true feelings.

"Come," Rameses then took my hand and we moved towards the palace. "maybe we can convince my father to let us send out another group of guards."

"It will be of no use Rameses." a familiar gentle and sad voice said from becide us and we stopped and looked at the Queen who looked like she hadn't slept in a while. "You're brother has been missing for weeks, almost two months. Noone could've survived in that desert for so long. Especially in a sandstorm."

I just kept my mouth shut and looked at the dusted ground in guilt. I was ashamed that I couldn't make Moses stay, that Queen Tuya had to suffer because of this, that I-

"It was not your fault, (Y/n)." The Queen's gentle voice and her hand on my shoulder snapped me out of my thoughts. "I knew that this day would come. I just didn't think it would be this soon."

By then I noticed that Rameses had already left us, so I walked becide the Queen to the beautiful glimmering limestone steps of the palace. "But I still could've, should've done something-"

"It was out of your control," The Queen lifted my chin so that I would look at her and wiped the tear that had unintentionally escaped my (e/c) eyes. "The Gods chose this path for Moses. The fate can not be altered. No matter how we try."

My mind then immediantely went back to the dream I had before any of this happened. Of the burning Egypt and suffering people.

"My Queen," I said and we immediantely stopped. "if fate can not be altered, then does that mean that my prophetic dream will happen as well?"

The Queen didn't say anything for a while but looked over the city below. "...yes. I believe it will happen. But let us not worry about that now."

"Of course." I gently replied. "We have experienced to much grief recently. Let us not grieve for what has not come yet."

And it was true. All of us had suffered to much grief. All of Egypt has.

Because not only has Egypt lost one of the Princes.

But a Pharaoh as well.

~~~From Maiden's Eyes~~~A Prince of Egypt x reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now