Chapter 5

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(Y/n)'s pov.

The sun had already set when I made my way back to my chambers. While walking in the beautiful gleaming stone hallway, I noticed some movement in the courtyard. I rushed to the window, thinking it was a thief, but then I saw the faint figure of a greatly dressed boy - Moses.

But why is he running? I thought and my eyebrows furrowed in confusion and my eyes showed worry. I then sighed. He'll be fine. There is nothing to worry about.

I then entered the beautiful chambers given to me by the Queen. I then undressed and slowly entered the clear pool in the middle of the room to wash myself. The lavander and tree oil scents surrounded me as the cold crystal clear water engulfed my silky (s/c) skin.

When I finished bathing I dressed in a simple white cotton nightgown and slipped under the sheets and fell into deep slumber.

My eyes opened as I found myself in the middle of the streets in Egypt. At first everything was calm, but then, like a huge tsunami, all of the dark bits from the underworld broke loose.

 I saw people screaming around me as the sky darkened and fire fell from it. Many bugs swarmed around people and many egyptions had rashes on thier bodies. Froggs hopped beneath my feet, but as one was going to touch me, it fazed through me.

My eyes widened in fear as I saw the people around me suffer. Then I was lifted off the ground and looked around and saw a older man with a beard, standing on the roof, looking towards the Palace. I too looked at the Palace and in one of the windows there was a older nobleman, perhaps the future Pharaoh, look out of the window.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. What is happening?

Suddenly everything turned dark.

I gasped as I sat up in my bed. Even though it was a dream, it felt more real than any dream I had seen. Was it a vision of the future of Egypt?

I decided to clear my head and stepped out to my balcony and looked at the beautiful scenery in front of me.

I decided to clear my head and stepped out to my balcony and looked at the beautiful scenery in front of me

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The sun had started to rise. I inhailed the fresh air and after a while calmed down. After what seemed like an eternity of peace and quiet, the large doors opened and another maid entered.

"(Y/n)," the maid shyly said and I turned to look at her with a neutral yet graceful expression "The Queen wishes to see you in her chambers."

I then nodded in gratitude and dismissed the young maid. Once she was gone, I dressed into my normal outfit and rushed to the Queen's chambers.

Noone's pov.

Moses was sitting outside the palace in a garden near a pool where he found out his 'mother' had found him. He was still trying to grasp the fact that he is a hebrew, someone who he looked down upon. That he was never a Prince of Egypt and that he lived his life that was filled with lies.

He looked out where the pool met the morning sun and didn't notice a young maiden approaching him.

"Moses," she gently said to the Prince. "Moses, please try to understand."

"Did you know about this?" Moses murmured, not looking at the girl behind him.

(Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes looked towards the white limestone ground and confessed. "Not until recently. The Queen told me."

She then sat becide the young prince on the stairs and looked at him with a gentle and sad look in her eyes.

"Moses, your family did everything they could to make your life as happy as it can be. Please," (Y/n) then placed her gentle and silky hand on his shoulder. "Do not let their sacrifices be in wain."

"The only sacrifice my family made, was when my supposed 'father' allowed many hebrew children to die!" Moses yelled and stood up swiftly, making (Y/n) stand up as well and back up slightly.

They were quiet for a moment and Moses looked down in shame and refused to look at his friend. "Look at me, Moses."

She then placed her delicate hand on his cheek and moved his sorrowful eyes to her compasion filled eyes. "I agree. What the Pharaoh claims to be a sacrifice is horrible beyond belief, but there is nothing to be done, that could change what has happened. We simply have to move on and make our choices better than others'. Just like Queen Tuya did when she took you in from the basket so many years ago."

Moses then took her hand gently in his, turned his head and kissed the inside of (Y/n)'s palm. "Thank you, (Y/n). For always being there for me." he whispered gently.

She then smiled gently in return and carressed his face with her free hand. "You're welcome. And if you need anyone to support you, then remember that you always have me to back you up."

"I will."

~~~From Maiden's Eyes~~~A Prince of Egypt x reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now