Chapter 9

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(Y/n)'s pov.

~~~a few years later~~~

I stepped out of my grand room in my new dress.

Several of my maidens, who became my best friends over the years followed behind me in dresses simmular to that of my very first one when I still worked for Queen Tuya

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Several of my maidens, who became my best friends over the years followed behind me in dresses simmular to that of my very first one when I still worked for Queen Tuya.

My eyes slightly watered as I thought of the day she died. We all mourned her death, especially me and Rameses. She died about a year after Rameses' corenation. Her death was unexpected. She was out of the Palace simply enjoying the city and it's wonders when she was bitten by a cobra. She didn't survive and died on the way to the infermary.

I quickly shook my head to dismiss the horrible thoughts. Now is not the time to mourn what we lost. I should focus on my work and enjoy my life as it was given by the Gods.

Soon enough, after making my way through verious golden and limestone halls, I made my way to the beautiful stone doors of the throne room. I nodded to the guards and they let me and my companions in.

In front of me was a large throne where the Pharaoh was sitting in, his wife, Nefertari, standing becide him, the large baby bump showing.

"My Pharaoh." I said as me and my maidens curtsied in front of him.

After I straightened my posture, I continued. "The construction of the new pyramid is going very smoothly and the temple to Bast is nearly completed."

"Alright. Then when the slaves have completed the temple, they can start constructing a new temple to Ra."

My face then turned to a slightly worried one. "With all due respect, my Pharaoh, I do not believe it is the best idea to make the slaves work right after putting their backs into the previous temple. They are tired and-"

"Nonsence, they will be fine enough to work on the new temple."

I tried to protest, but before I could say a word, Nefertari spoke to her husband. "I do not feels so good."

She then started falling to the ground, but luckily Rameses caught her.

"Guards!" I yelled to the guards outside of the door. "We need to bring the Queen to her chambers NOW!!!"

The guards then rushed to the Queen and I turned to two of my maids, Chione and Rana. "Get the midwives quickly. The Queen might've gone into labour."

The two girls then quickly bowed to me and rushed out of the room. "Khepri, Safiya. Follow me to the Queens chambers. We must assist with everything that she might need."

My two other maidens then bowed to me aswell and we ran to Nefertari's chambers.


I gave the newborn son to Rameses and then stepped back with my ladies.

"May the Gods protect you, little one." I whispered. Soon my ladies said the same prayer as I did and we exited the chambers.

I was walking down the sunlit corridoors when I stopped, feeling slightly dizzy and then everything went black.

"Father." a small boy in royal clothes stepped out of the darkness in front of my sight.

"It's so dark. I'm frightened." he ran towards....Rameses? Could it be....NO! This is not possible. There is no way that after so many years I have another 'vision'. But....maybe....

"Why is he here? Isn't that the man who did this?" the small boy asked Rameses.

"Yes. But one must wonder...why?" Rameses replied to who I assumed was his son and glared at the man in long robes and a wooden staff in his hand. The same man that was in my dream so many years ago.

"(Y/n), are you alright?" Chione asked me worriedly and I noticed we were standing in the same hallway where I seemingly blacked out.

"Yes...just got lost in thoughts." I replied to her. My maidens looked uncertain and looked at each other with worried glances and then turned to me.

"If you say so." Sifiya said. We then proceeded to walk onwards and I got lost in my thoughts about the dream.

I know this chapter is a bit messed up, but the next ones should be better. Anyway, have a nice day :D

~~~From Maiden's Eyes~~~A Prince of Egypt x reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now