Chapter 20

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Before you start reading this chapter I want to warn you - I don't know how hebrew language works, so please forgive me if by accident some words are smushed together. Anyway, enjoy the story!

(Y/n)'s pov.

Me, Miriam and Tzipporah were silently waiting in the same house we resided when the last plague passed over Egypt. Aaron had gone outside, needing fresh air.

I too would've come outside, but I senced that Aaron needed some alone time and that the two women in the room needed comfort which I was more than happy to give.

Soon enough I saw Tzipporah jump up and run to the door. From the window I could see Moses hugging Tzipporah. I then hastly went outside and looked at the man.

Once his eyes met mine, I could see the intence saddness in them, and immediantely knew what it meant. Amun was dead.

I bit my lit, shut my eyes closed and nodded slowly, trying hard to not cry again. I then felt someone embracing me gently and when I opened my eyes I knew it was Moses. So I hugged him back, almost like my life depended on it.

We then broke our silent embrace when Moses' sister stepped outside. When the sibling's eyes met, Moses broke it by looking down. Miriam's face fell and it was silent. That is until she spoke.

"Many nights we prayed," Miriam said gently. "with no proof anyone could hear. In our hearts, a hopeful song we barely understood."

"Now we are not afraid," As Miriam said this I saw many people peeking out of their windows to look at us, "although we know there's much to fear. We were moving mountains long before we knew we could."

I saw that dawn started approaching and Miriam started smiling. "There can be miracles when you believe. Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill."

"Who knows what miracles you can achieve," We then started moving slovly around town while people joined us on the streets and soon Aaron too came with a bag filled with all of his possesions. "when you believe, somehow you will, you will when you believe."

"In this time of fear," My gentle voice cut through the air. "when prayer so often proves in vain, hope seems like the summer birds, too swiftly flown away."

"Yet now I'm standing here." Tzipporah then said as Miriam echoed her words. "My heart's so full, I can't explain."

"Seeking faith and speaking words I never thought I'd say." All three of us said louder than before and I could feel that it filled others with hope for a brighter future.

"There can be miracles when you believe." Miriam said loudly as the sun started to rise above the building we passed while moving towards the exit of the city.

"Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill." Tzipporah said. I looked back at the ruined city, and then at the hebrews following us and I smiled. They had finally achieved what I always wanted for them - freedom.

"Who knows what miracles you can achieve." I said as I then once again faced the exit and pulled my hijab down so my hair could flow freely.

"When you believe, somehow you will," All three of us said with hope and happyness filling our veins. "you will when you believe."

"Ashirra I'adonai ki gaoh gaah," I heard a small child singing and then felt someone tugging on my dress. I looked down and saw the same child I comforted after the loss of his brother. "Ashirra I'adonai ki gaoh gaah."

"Michamocha baelim adonai." I smiled at the boy and crouched down to him.

"Michamocha nedarba kodesh." The little boy then brought out what he was hiding behind his back - a flower crown. Where he got those flowers, I didn't know. He then stood on his toes and placed the crown on my head. I thanked his, ruffled his hair and he happily skipped away as I once again stood by Miriam's side.

"Nachitah v'chas d'cha am zu gaalta, Nachitah v'chas d'cha am zu gaalta.  Ashira, ashira, Ashira!" Many of the hebrews then joined in on the singing, and anyone could clearly see that it brought joy to these people.

"Ashirra I'adonai ki gaoh gaah, Ashirra I'adonai ki gaoh gaah. Michamocha baelim adonai" a smile then appeared on my lips and I joined in too.

"Michamocha nedarba kodesh, Nachitah v'chas d'cha am zu gaalta. Nachitah v'chas d'cha am zu gaalta!"

"Ashira, ashira, Ashira!"

"There can be miracles when you believe!" Now I could hear all the hebrews joining in on the singing as we moved through the desert and caneons.

"Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill. Who knows what miracles you can achieve." I heard Miriam's voice the loudest and when I looked at her happy expression I felt light ignite in my soul from joy.

"When you believe, somehow you will," Even though night had fallen upon us, we still hadn't stopped singing or walking, everyone's bodies filled with energy. "now you will, you will when you believe!"

"You will when you believe..." Me, Miriam and Tzipporah finished the final words gently just as we all arrived at the edge of the Red sea and the dawn of the next day began.

If only I had known what was about to come.

~~~From Maiden's Eyes~~~A Prince of Egypt x reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now