Chapter 13

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(Y/n)'s pov.

The party was now in full swing. Everyone was enjoying their time celabrating while I was picking up some food from the kitchen and placing it into a voven basket. Once I thought it was enough, I placed the lid on and moved to one of the secret exits from the palace.

I was walking with a hebrew robe so that no one would recognise me.

Many hebrews looked at me, but I paid no mind to it and soon made it to a specific house

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Many hebrews looked at me, but I paid no mind to it and soon made it to a specific house. On the porche and old lady was sitting there and when she looked at me, she smiled.

"Hello Yocheved. How have you been?" I said kindly as I set the basket near the doorway and sat down becide her.

"I've been alright  child. But won't you get in trouble for-" her frail voice said, but I placed a hand on her's.

"I don't care if I will. To help your people is more worth it than any punishment."

After I said those words she smiled like a proud mother would. "You truely are a blessing sent from God."

"Don't be rediculous. I'm barely enough help as it is." I said as I looked into her dark eyes. "And what's the thing about saying that I am a blessing from one God?"

"You will understand in time." Yocheved said smiling. "I'll make sure that the food will be distributed between our people."

I thanked her and after bidding her goodye rushed to the secret entrance and there changed into my normal dress. After that I slipped into the filled ballroom and went to the Pharaoh's side.

"(Y/n)! Where were you?" Rameses asked.

"Just out to get some fresh air." I replied to the Pharaoh and just looked at the preformers.

The party went without a hitch until the grand doors opened and I saw two people walk in. At first I couldn't recognise them, but when they walked closer and I realised three things at the same time.

The visiter was the man from my visions.

The visitor looked exactly like Moses.

Moses is alive.

My eyes widened in shock. But how?

"Rameses?" the man-Moses- spoke and I knew. It's him! Moses is alive.

"Moses? Is it really...?" Rameses said as he stood up and went down the steps, closely followed by me, the two priests and Amun.

I then saw that the Pharaoh's face lit up and he tightly hugged his long lost brother.

"Moses!" he laughed in delight and my face lit up too as well as a few tears of happiness slid down my smooth face. "I though you were dead!"

He then released Moses and said man looked at me and his eyes widened and he smiled.

"(Y/n).." he breathed out.

"Hello Moses." I smiled at him and stepped next to the Paharoh.

"Look at you both! Pharaoh and Queen." Moses said as he looked at both of us in astonishment.

I just laughed. "Actually Pharaoh and his main councleur."

"And look at you!" Rameses said as he examined his brother's clothes. "What on earth are you dressed as?"

Moses only laughed and hugged Rameses as I went towards Tzipporah and hugged her.

"I knew we would meet again Tzipporah." I whispered in her ear.

"You've changed." she remarked.

"So have you." I said and pulled away from the hug and watched the two boys.

"Excuse me, your majesty. We are compelled to remind you that this man commited a serious crime against the Gods." Hoy said to the Pharaoh and I glared at the to make them shut their moths, but it seemed at they didn't care.

"We are loathed to bring it up, mind you." Hotep intervined.

"Yet the law clearly states the punishment for such a crime is-" Hoy continued.

"Death!" Hotep yelled.

"We hesitate to say-" Hoy continued while having a huge grion on his face, thinking that he won, but Rameses raised his hand to stop him talking and cut him off.

"Be still, Pharaoh speaks." Rameses said and I cringed at the simmular words that Pharaoh Seti said more than twenty years ago. "I am the morning and the evening star."

"Rameses-" Moses started to say desperately, but Rameses did the same hand gesture to him.

"It shall be as I say." Now, in these types of moments , I hated that Rameses was Pharaoh and that he was so arrogant, but there was nothing I could do about it. "I pardon forever all crimes of which he stands accused it known that he is our brother... Moses, the Prince of Egypt."

I heard the crowd break out in whispers and gasps. I looked towards Moses. Moses, please. Don't make the wrong choice. Come back to us.

"Rameses, in my heart you are my brother." Moses said in a sad voice. No. Moses...plaese don't. Don't leave us again. "But things cannot be the same as they were."

"I see no reason why not!" Rameses said. As do I.

"You know I am a Hebrew. And the God of the Hebrews came to me. He commands that you let his people go." Moses replied.

"You will understand in time."

Yocheved's words repeated in my mind. Is this what she meant? And does this... Oh no.

Everything clicked in my head. The visions, Yocheved's words, Moses. I bit my lip to not let out a surprise gasp or a shriek.

"Commands?" Rameses asked as he stepped back.

I saw Moses raise the wooden staff in the air. "Behold, the power of God."

Afterwards Moses placed the staff vertically on the ground and the wood then turned into a white snake. I stepped back and then felt someone grip my dress. I looked behind me and saw the young prince hiding behind me, so I put my hand in front of him and slowly stepped back.

Rameses on the other hand looked slightly bemused at the coiling snake in front of him.

"Well, um...impressive. Hm. Very well Moses, I'll play along." I then saw him gesture to me and Amun with his head towards the throne while with his hands he gestured to the priests. "Hotep! Hoy! Give this snake charmer...our answer."

~~~From Maiden's Eyes~~~A Prince of Egypt x reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now