Chapter 11

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(Y/n)'s pov.

After Rana said this, me and Rameses ran down to the Queen's chambers. The doors flew open as me and Rameses sprinted in the room, only to see a sickly figure on the bed. Nefertari was sweating bullets and was moaning in pain.

"Nefertari!" her husband rushed to her side and dropped to his knees while holding her hand. "My love, what is wrong?"

"Beloved, please." as she barely managed to brethe this out, waterfalls of saliva dripped down her chin. "Stop yelling, my head hurts."

I looked to the bedside table and saw the same golden goblet from whare she drank the wine from. I took it up and smelled a wierd oder in the air. I cauteausly sniffed the cup's contents by waving my hand towards my face, making a small gust of wind with the garlicy oder hit my face.
I then looked at Nefertari and then everything just clicked.

"This is arsenic." I whispered to myself, but Rameses still heard it and turned his head towards me. "Someone wanted to poison us."

"Us?" Rameses asked in confusion.

"A servant came up to me at the party with my drink and said it was from a egyption nobleman." I started saying.

"It happened to us aswell." Rameses whispered in slight disbelief.

"I-" I wanted to tell him about the strange warning in my head, but then I saw that Nefertari started going limp.

", no, no! Not again!" I said as I went to check Nefertari's pulse.

There was none.

I moved my head to her chest to see if I coud hear her heartbeat.

There. Was. None.

I wanted to scream in horror, but instead a strangled gasp exited from my mouth and my hands flew over to my mouth. Tears started to stream down my face as I watched Nefertari's eyes close. Rameses then started calling out to his Queen, hoping that she would wake up.

There was a loud ringing in my ears. I couldn't hear Rameses screams of panic. I couldn't hear the new prince wailing.

I only noticed the little boy crying because I saw it and went to move to pick him up, but Chione beat me to it and I could barely make out what she said.

"I got it, my lady."

I then went becide the weaping Pharaoh and sat down becide him and he immediantely clung to me and cried. If I would say that I wasn't in the same state, then I would be lying.

So everyone who entered the Queen's chambers would see this sight of a lamentation.

~~~From Maiden's Eyes~~~A Prince of Egypt x reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now