Chapter 10

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(Y/n)'s pov.

The grand hall of the palace was filled with many guests. All of them at some point had visited the Pharaoh and his wife to congratulate them. Their newborn son was babbling merrily in Nefertari's arms.

I looked at them with a longing gaze, wishing that I and my future significant other would be like that one day. But alas I didn't have that significant other, nor I planned to be wed anytime soon.

A slave came with a single golden goblet that was decorated with jewels from other lands.

"Madam," the female slave spoke "an egyptian nobleman has requested me to send you this drink."

I smiled kindly at her and took the goblet filled with blood red wine. "Thank you, my dear. May I know which nobleman sent this? "

"I'm afraid not, madam." she shyly replied and hugged the silver tray close to her. "He has requested that I do not reveal his identity."

I then nodded and she quickly left. I wonder who that man was.

"Ah, Lady (Y/n)." I was snapped out of my thoughts as I heard an annoyingly fammiliar voice.

"Hello Hotep, Hoy." I greeted them politely even if I wanted to get as far away from them as possible. "Is there something you need from me?"

"Oh, we want nothing from you." Hotep said in a sickingly sweet voice.

Yeah, and I am Anubis. I thought. We all know you two want something from me, you snakes.

"We only want to help you." Hoy said in the same tone.

"Help me with what?" I asked cauteously.

Even if I was Rameses' main councleour, Hotep and Hoy still had great power in the egyptian court. One wrong move could get me killed or banished.

"We have noticed that you have come of the right age to be already wed-" Hotep started saying, but I cut him off.

"I realise that. However, I do not plan to marry a man I don't know or love." I looked at them with a stern stare. "I appreciate that you are 'looking out' for me. But I do not need your help in this. Have a good evening."

After I said this to the two baffled priests, I quickly walked away, still not having a chance to drink the wine.

I walked over to the throne and bowed towards the royal couple.

"My Pharaoh and Queen." I said.

"(Y/n), how many times have I told you this. You have no need to call me and my wife by our titles." Rameses said with a chuckle.

"It is true." Nefertari said happily. "(Y/n), you are like a sister to me. I too see no reason for you to call me Queen."

"Nefertari, you and Rameses are like siblings to me as well." I smiled kindly at both of them. "But still, I like to express my respect to my superiors."

"Tonight we are not your superiors." Nefertari said.

"Tonight you are our equal." Rameses said and took his goblet with undrinked wine.

Suddenly, a hebrew servant crashed into the Pharaoh's suddenly outstreched hand and nocked the goblet of wine to the ground. The servant was cowering on the ground with his arms raised over his head.

"How dare you-" Rameses growled to the servant.

"Rameses, he didn't do it on purpose. It was an accident. Please, there is no need to punish him for such a simple mistake." I said to the tall Pharaoh in front of me and stepped in front of the servant before Rameses could do anything irrationally.

"Love, let go of this incident. (Y/n) is right, there is no need to be angry for this." His beautiful wife whispered calmly to him as she rocked her son.

Rameses then sighed and waved the servant away. I then gently helped the hebrew up and started helping him place all the nocked over things back on his plate.

"Please, madam," the servant said in a frightened voice. "You have already helped enough. I can take care of this-"

"I would've helped anyone in need. Even unfortunate hebrews like you." I smiled at him. "And becides, you desrve my help if anything."

"Thank you." he said quietly in gratitude.

After the poor hebrew scurried away, I picked up my wine filled goblet from the armrest of the throne where I left it when I went to help. I was just about to take my first sip from the glass but a deep male voice that seemingly echoed in my head said something.

"Do not drink the wine."

The goblet was barely pressed to my lips, not enough to drink from it, but from anyone becide me, it would look like I took a small sip from the wine. I then watched as Nefertari drank from her goblet and then set it down on a nearby table.


It was nightime and I had retired to my chambers after bidding the Pharaoh, the Queen and my maids goodnight. I had changed into my white silk and cotton nightgown and slid under the comfortable covers.

Two men, the Pharaoh and the man from my previous visions, entered the same room where a few years back they were scolded by Pharaoh Seti. The Pharaoh relaxed and with a chuckle removed his headress.

"Alright M#*-?," the name of the man seemed to glitch so I couldn't hear it. " I know you. What's this really about?"

The stranger then walked to one of the windows and looked out to the city where the slaves were struggling with construction.

"Rameses, look." The man pointed below. "What do you see?"

Rameses then proudly smiled at the stranger and and replied. "A greater Egypt than that of my father."

"That is not what I see." the stranger said as Rameses walked to the throne and slumped in it.

"&*#es, I can not change what you see. I have to maintain the ancient traditions. I bear the wieght of my Father's crown." the slightly older version of the Pharaoh said. But again the name seemed to glitch out.

"Do you still not understand what Seti was?" the stranger said in disbelief.

"He was a great leader." Rameses said proudly as he sat up in the throne.

I then suddenly wake up in my bedroom to see an man on top of me with a knife raised. I screamed as loud as I could and that seemed to surprise the man. I then kicked him off and jumped out of my bed and out of the chambers.

"Guards! Guards! There is an intruder in my chambers." several guards then rushed past me and after a bit I followed after them.

When I reached my room, I saw a hebrew slave being restrained on my bed. I was horrified.

"Please let go of me!" the male yelled desperately at the guards who escorted him out of my chambers. "Please, I had no choice. I would've been killed if I didn't-"

"What is going on?" a familiar voice said from behind me. I then swiftly turned around and saw that Rameses had a worried expression on his face.

"My Pharaoh," one of the guards said. "We found this slave in her chambers and he supposedly tried to assassinate Lady (Y/n)."

"Send him to the dungeons. Tomorrow morining we will determine his fate." Rameses said in a stern voice and glared at the slave.

After the slave was escorted, the Pharaoh then stepped closer to me and gently yet tightly hugged me. "Are you alright (Y/n)?"

I couldn't form any words from my mouth so I just nodded against his exposed chest.

"My Pharaoh!" Rana, one of my maids, yelled to the Pharaoh as she ran into the corridor. "Something is wrong with the Queen!"

~~~From Maiden's Eyes~~~A Prince of Egypt x reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now