Chapter 16

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(Y/n)'s pov.

I was now standing in my chambers and looking out of my balcony. The sunset outside did nothing to calm my stressed and crowded mind. I slowly inhaled the fresh air and closed my eyes.

A storm is coming. The air is tense. Something bad is going to happen.... I furrowed my eyebrows with my eyes stiļl closed.

But what?

I blocked out the sound of the slaves being beaten. The sound of a comotion down below.

So far down that if I was to jump down from where I was standing, I would surely die.

But why do I have these thoughts?

Do not submit to these thoughts, child.

Who are you? Who is speaking to me?

It is I, JHWH, the God of the hebrews.

Why are you speaking to me, if you have Moses-

Moses' mission is to help to free the hebrews. Your's is to help him free my people.

But I can't! I can't sacrifice what I have built for years with my best friend! I do not support slavery, but there is nothing I could ever do-


My mind was then silent. No sound. I heard the man, who's voice echoed, sigh.

You can make a diference in this war. You only have to decide weather to take it or not.

After that everything was silent I opened my eyes and found myself back on my balcony. The previous conversation confused me greatly.

I heard thunder in the distance and looked up at the sky. It had darkened as the storm clouds were bruwing up a storm.

There shouldn't be a storm in the next few days. It's supposed to be the dry season, there shouldn't be any rain. I thought.

Unless.....My eyes widened in realisation. Oh no....

I then heard a scream from below and saw one of the egyption servants running inside the palace and the water from the pond was...... what the hell?

I leaned over the barriar of my balcony and saw that something small was moving in the water. But the 'thing' wasn't alone, as I soon realised. There were many of them.

My brows then furrowed. I picked up the front of my dress and ran as fast as I could to the throne room. On my way there I saw that from the many entrances of the palace frogs were jumping inside and large groups bugs were crawling from the walls and from the many plants that once decorated the corridoors and were now wilted and shrivled.

I threw the doors open to the throneroom just as the bugs made it inside aswell and were flying around. I saw Rameses and Amun sitting on the throne and looking at the mess, confused.

Only a few minutes after me and my maids tried to kill the bugs did I realise that the bugs didn't come near me or my maids, but instead avoided us.

What is going on? I thought to myself and looked at Chione, Safiya Rana and Khepri. All of them had a look that told me that they knew the answer to my question, but I didn't ask them yet, instead focusing on a way to reduce the bugs.

"Close all the windows and doors!" I yelled over the chaos. "Someone get large jars of honey and place them in the corners of the room! The bugs will be attracted to it!"

Some of the servants and guards did as I told and the chaos in the room reduced.


Days passed and the Pharaoh and I got complaints that the crops were wilting, the livestock dying from unknown causes, bugs invading peoples homes. A strange plague had started in Egypt and noone could find a cure for it.

Today the fire started to rain down of Egypt from the sky, just like in my very first prophetic dream. I often saw from the palace windows how Moses looked at the chaos from nearby rooftops. We made eyecontack a few times and I could see it in his eyes that he wanted this to stop.

But he couldn't.

Noone could.

Only God could stop the plague that he unleashed upon the humanity.

And the worst part was that everyone was suffering.

Right now I looked out of the window of a lone corridoor as the chaos continued to spread like wildfire. I was calm and numb of any emotions. I slowly closed my eyes and sighed.

It has to stop.

Soon I heard footsteps coming down the corridoor and quickly opened my eyes to see Rameses seething in rage. He stormed past me, but then stopped and turned around, facing me. But I wasn't looking at him, but instead at the chaos outside.

"He doesn't give up with this rubbish about that one God, does he?" Rameses growled as he now stood becide me and looked out of the same window as I was.

"Moses is stubborn, I can agree to that." I sighed. "But this time I don't think it's him that is the more stubborn one."

Rameses then looked at my emotionless face with a confused expression. "What are you talking about?"

I sighed in annoyance and turned to face the Pharaoh with a scowl. "Rameses. we both know this chaos won't stop until you give into their demands and let the hebrews go-"

"I will not be the weak link, (Y/n)!" the man in front of me yelled in anger, but I didn't flinch.

"And I will never give into their demands. No matter what it will cost." Rasmeses said as he turned away and once again stormed down the corridoors and threw the doors open.

I'm affraid you won't have a choice in this, Rameses.

I'm sorry if this chapter is confusing. It's been so long since I updated this story that I don't even know anymore.

~~~From Maiden's Eyes~~~A Prince of Egypt x reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now