Chapter 3

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I know it's not an actual clip from the movie, but this animatic is basicly how the conversation goes between the two of the two of them.

Noone's pov.

Moses stepped out of the hallway where he was just running seconds ago after his talk with his best friend (Y/n). He started whistleing a familiar tune to him, yet he didn't know where he learned it from, and sewing a fairly small bag for a prank he was going to pull.

"Well, that went well." Moses said, still sewing.

"Just go away." Rameses said angerly to his brother from the lap of the statue where he was sitting on.

"Could have been worse." Moses replied calmly and jokingly.

"'The weak link in the chain.' That's what he called me." Rameses said angerly.

Moses then sighed and said jokingly. "Well, you are rather pathetic."

"Irresponsible, ignorant. He practically accused me of bringing down the dynasty!" Rameses slightly yelled at his brother.

"Yeah, I can see it now. There go the pyramids!" Moses laughed as he finished sewing the bag.

"You can laugh about it-" Rameses jumped down from the statue.

"Statues cracking and toppling over, the Nile drying up." Moses then filled the bag with fruit punch and carried it somewhere else. "Single-handedly, you will bring the greatest kingdom on Earth to ruin."

"Tell me this, Moses - why is it that every time you start something, I'm the one who ends up in trouble?" Rameses said. Moses then dropped the bag on the two priest who were passing by and hid behind the railing of the balcony as Rameses looked at the damage done by his little brother.

"Oh, man!" Hotep yelled.

"You're in trouble again!" Hoi yelled once spotting the 'culprit'.

"Rameses,Get down here! I think you owe us an apology." Hotep yelled at Rameses.

"Oh, my new thing!" Hoi wailed while looking down at his robe.

Rameses then stepped back a little from shock and looked at Moses who was holding out to him a bowl of fruit punch. "You might as well."

Rameses then swiftly tipped the  bowl and poared it's contents on the two wailing priests.

"I figured it out. You know what your problem is, Rameses?" Moses said as he wrapped an arm around his brother who playfully shoved it off.

"What?" Rameses asked grinning.

"You care too much." Moses said.

"And your problem is that you don't care at all." Rameses said playfully and turned his little brothers wig the other way.

"Then I suppose you two care a lot more than I do that you're" A femenine voice said chuckleing a bit and emerged from the shadows in her ball gown. The two boys then turned to the female.

 The two boys then turned to the female

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"....late for the banquet, for example." (Y/n) finished as she smiled slightly, having amischievous glint in her eyes.

Both of the boys eyes widened for the second time today and rushed past the female who this time fallowed close behind.

~~~From Maiden's Eyes~~~A Prince of Egypt x reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now