Chapter 1: Introduction to her life

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Author's Notes: So basically the story starts when they are all in Canterlot High School; 8th Grade (Year 9)

AppleJacks Point of View:

Twilight: "Hey AppleJack! Come over here!"
I walked over to where the girls were sitting: Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Twilight and Rarity. I was proud of my friends, all of them, and I was glad they were always here for me.
Fluttershy: "So, do you guys have any ideas for what job you would like to do when we leave school?
Rainbow Dash: "Uh...yeah...duh! I'm gonna be one of the Wonderbolts."
Me: "No doubt about that one. You've been going on about it!"
I knew that Rainbow Dash would fulfil her dream one day, she is amazing at flying and I'm sure if she keeps practic—
Twilight: "AJ?!"
Twilight: "Pinkie asked what about you?"
Me: "Oh! I...I..uh...well..." Truth is, I had no idea..
Rainbow Dash: "Hey! You could be famous for all those blue ribbons you've won! That's gotta be a world record."
I blushed...that is...only because I like it when people praise other reason. Before I could reply, the bell rang. Finally, the end of school.

Author's Notes: Ok....that was short, but I just wanted to give a kind of introduction, and the next chapter will be about the weekend. Byeeeee 🤪🤪👋👋👋💫💫💫💫

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