Chapter 3: Heartbreak

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Authors Notes: Right so I forgot to mention that I was sorry that the last chapter was so long, and the first one was very short. Comment how you think my story's going so far, and if I've made any mistakes. I've never watched the Equestria Girls before, only Frindship is Magic, but I thought it would make more sense with the real girls....

Rainbow Dash's Point of view:

The next day, after everyone had left Rarity's, I went to where I usually go to think. I sat there for a while, pondering. Maybe I took it too far...with AppleJack. She seemed quiet during the rest of the sleepover.
"Hey Dash!" I recognised that voice. It was Gilda. Maybe she could help.
Me: "Uh hey Gilda" I said looking up at her. She knelt down beside me.
Gilda: "What'ya doing here? You usually go here when your sad?"
Me: "Yeah..well...can I ask you something?" As I said that her face lit up. It looked like she really wanted to help. She nodded. "So I've been thinking.. I kinda like...have feelings for...this...person, and I don't know how to tell...the person..."
Gilda: "Why don't you just tell her...I mean...the person. You never know, they might have the same feelings as you!"
Maybe she knew me better than I thought. I decided to take her advice, but just before I stood up...
Gilda: "Dash?" I nodded. " it me?" I was shocked...speechless, and my face went red with embarrassment.
Me: "Well..I..uh..." And then she hugged me tightly, and kissed me softly on the cheek. It was so awkward for me that I couldn't even do anything.
Gilda: "I love you too Dashie" And before I could say anything, she smiled and walked off.
A tear rolled down my cheek. No one could help me now...what did I get myself into?

AppleJack's Point of View:

I was helping out on the farm Sunday morning, and I heard talking. I knew it was coming from behind one of the apple trees, furthest away from the farm. As I got closer, I managed to over hear: "I kinda, like, have feelings for..." and then I stopped listening. My heart was beating. It was Rainbow Dash's voice. But then...I heard: "I love you too Dashie". There was only one person in Equestria that called her Dashie...and I knew it was Gilda. I peered round the tree...still hidden, yet in perfect view of Rainbow and Gilda hugging, and Gilda kissing her cheek. I silently walked back to the barn, put my head against the back wall, and cried as hard as I've ever cried before.
After a full five minutes of complete sobbing, I heard faint crying, coming from behind that same tree. I went over to go have a look...
A/N: Cliffhanger! This was my favourite chapter so far and I have no idea why! Comment what you think and I'll get writing!

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