Chapter 6: Just a bit jealous?

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Rainbow Dash: "Gilda? Was this you?"
Rainbow was holding up the anonymous note I had left in her locker. Gilda?! She thought it was Gilda?! I knew she was lying to me that day by the farm. I knew it. She didn't hate Gilda, she just wanted me to think that to make it less awkward.
You had no idea how badly I wanted to jump out from behind the stairs and yell: "No! It was me! I'm in love with you Rainbow Dash!" But I had to keep my cool and continued watching them. I wanted to see how it turned out. Gilda's face looked so confused when RD asked her if the note belonged to her, but then, she really did it for me. She said:
Gilda: "Uh yep, that was me! Just wanted to have a laugh you know!" And then she hugged Rainbow around the shoulders. I was almost at the point of breaking.
Gilda: "Come on babes, let's go get some lunch." And they walked off. I couldn't see Rainbow's face from where she was standing but I think she was enjoying herself.
Babes?! She just called my best friend 'Babes?!' So I ran. Down the stairs, past the hall and into a space behind the school. It felt strange considering this is where I usually see Rainbow when she's tired or busy, but it comforted me.
I couldn't help myself and burst into tears. It felt like the end of the world, and yet it had only just started. Thinking about Rainbow didn't help either. It just made me cry more and I was worried that not only my "love life" would be ruined, but my friendship with her too. It was as if I could hear her rough boyish voice in the back of my head, reminding me of all the things we used to do together. I just wished none of this could have happened. Why couldn't I have just been normal and stayed friends with Rainbow Dash. Just friends? But of course I wanted more. Everyone looks up to me and asks for advice, but I have no one. Sure I have my friends, but they won't understand. And as for Granny and Apple Bloom? They would just call me crazy. I have thought about Big Mac helping me before, but maybe it's best just to leave it to me to sort out. After all, 'I am old enough to sort out my own problems now.' I don't know what to do... Her voice was still ringing in my ear, this time loud and clear:

A/N: Ok this Chapter does look a bit small but it's just not got a lot of speech so it doesn't space out as much. Sorry I kind of repeated a few scenes like AppleJack crying and stuff but I'm trying to think whether the two "love birds" should confess yet?? Help meeee 😫😂😂😂💫

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