Chapter 9: Getting used to it

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AJ's Point of view

You had no idea how happy I felt. To finally get that off my chest and for everything to go as planned....well nearly, it felt so much better. Maybe there was just one problem though... Gilda. She will see that me and RD would hang out more often and she'll get angry and—
Rainbow Dash: "What are you thinking about?" She was smiling, I must have been lost in thought.
Me: "Just worrying too much I guess, I'll be okay."
Rainbow: "C'mon, the others will be waiting!" and she grabbed me on the arm pulling me a bit too hard and I toppled over.
Rainbow Dash: "Oh my gosh I am so sorry!" but as she gestured to help me up I pulled her to the ground laughing.
Me: "You will be!"
Rainbow Dash: "Hey! You little—" she was in heaps of laughter too, but I decided to cut it short and we ran back to class. I know she knows how I feel about her yet I still go really red, like an embarrassed red, when she speaks to me. I was just getting used to it I guess.

Rainbow Dash's Point of View

We dashed through the door and the girls stared, but in a happy way. I guessed they were waiting.
Twilight: "Where on earth have you girls been? We haven't seen you since yesterday!"
AJ: "Just talking, y'know, spending some time together. We felt like we haven't seen each other in ages and we don't talk much." I was surprised how well she handled it. We trusted our friends, but we weren't quite ready to tell them yet.
Pinkie Pie kind of raised her eyebrow at us. She may look like a heap of jokes but I feel like that Pinkie sense really does pay her off and she just knows a lot of stuff we might not.
Rarity: "How nice! It's good to have a little time to yourself sometimes."
Twilight: "Yes! Why a few months back I realised that I needed to spend more time than I thought with friends that I hadn't seen in ages. Good for you two." Ok so maybe they were over reacting a bit. I mean after all, we were just "talking"...

—After Class—
Pinkie Pie: "Rainbow come here for a second." She signalled me near the lockers, and I followed.
Me: "What's up Pinkie?"
Pinkie Pie: "What's up with you! You don't even talk to us anymore? Not spending enough time with AppleJack? Seems like your spending all your time with AppleJack! Tell me what's going on!"
I didn't really know what to say, but something else was distracting me from my words. It seemed to have gotten Pinkie's attention as well. It sounded like....AppleJack....shouting....

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