Chapter 14: Together again

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Me: "Hey Rainbow!" I said it quietly as I guessed that she was only just starting to recover. Her face lit up.
Rainbow Dash: "AJ! I'm so sorry!" I could see she was about to cry, and I didn't want that at all.
Me: "Shh shh it's ok! But what are you sorry about?"
Rainbow: "For scaring you!" And then she smiled. No matter what happened to Rainbow Dash, her smile and laugh would always stay the same.
Me: "I missed you, I really missed you. And the worse thing is, I had to live with that guilt. It was me who got into the fight and you got hurt. That hardly seems fair!" Now I was close to tears.
Rainbow: "Calm down! I would do anything for you, no matter the pain." It sounded so strange coming from such a tomboy, but it made me feel really pleased. I knelt down my her side.
Me: "Ok, I have to ask you something, and you have to be honest." She nodded. "So let me explain... I visited you earlier today, and got upset seeing you like this, and ran back to my house."
Rainbow: "Aw! I'll take that as a compliment!"
Me: "Yeah well, Pinkie Pie followed me back—"
Rainbow Dash: "Creepy?"
Me: "And after some talking she was like 'I know about you and Rainbow' and then I asked how and she said you told her and I'm so confused so please give me an explanation!" I was so out of breath even though I was speaking softly. Rainbow Dash looked confused and then so did I.
Rainbow Dash: "Well, first of all, I never said anything to her. Actually, right before I came out and saw you and Gilda in the car park, me and Pinkie were talking and she said that I have been acting weird and stuff."
Me: "Well we need to sort something out and find out the truth."
Rainbow: "Did she tell anyone else."
Me: "No. I mean, Granny Smith..."
Rainbow Dash: "Are you kidding?! Oh no..."
Me: "It's fine. It's not like we should be ashamed and people should accept us right? Well I'm going to speak to Pinkie Pie."
Rainbow Dash: "Bring her here. It's better if we all talk about it together so there's no lying."
I nodded and headed back to my barn, and found Pinkie Pie just leaving.
Me: "Pinkie wait." She stopped in her tracks and gave me an awkward look. Like.... 😬 "I need you to follow me, it's about Rainbow Dash." She ran back with me, but I think it was because she thought Rainbow was about to die or something.

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