Chapter 5: "Akward"

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A/N: Heyyy... sorry I haven't updated in ages. I did the first few chapters all in one night but then I was really busy so .. 😅 Also, sorry if this chapter isn't as good as the others as I had no idea what to write and Im soooooo tired... but enjoy anyway!

AppleJacks Point of View:

I didn't want to say anything to Rainbow when we got back to school, the only awkward thing was that I sat next to her in our last lesson of the day, but maybe it would be fine.
Twilight was already in the library when I got to school, but she didn't see me.
"Ding!!" "Ding!!" I walked to class, I didn't want to be late, but I neither did I want it to look like I really wanted to do lessons.
Gilda: "Hey AppleJack. Haven't seen you in a while, where have you been?" I froze. I mean, she seemed genuine, but I couldn't be sure, maybe she saw me. I turned around and saw Rainbow Dash's face. She had a knowing look, I remembered what she had said about Gilda yesterday.
AppleJack: "Yeah..sure, I've been great." And then I went to my seat and said no more.

—Time Skip to last lesson—
Rainbow Dash's Point of View:

So, I can't even describe the awkwardness between me and AJ in class. The worst thing is, under the tree the other day, I didn't even tell her how I felt, and she had to take me back home. I just hoped she wouldn't take any of it too personally.
AppleJack: "Uh...hey, Rainbow, are you ok now? I mean, have you recovered from yesterday n'all?"
Recovered? Are you ok? She asked me if I was ok? AppleJack always sees the positive side of things, but today she looked miserable, yet she still went through the effort to ask me how I was doing. (Aw 😊)
Me: "Yeah, thanks for being there for me." I smiled at her, hoping that she felt the happiness I felt.
AppleJack: "Aw chucks, anything for my friends." She said with a sort of, smile of embarrassment? I can't really explain it. I know I sound strange, but from that moment, my heart sank. 'Friend' she said. Friend....

Back to AppleDash's point of view:

I walked home in the rain. I just wish I had made more of an effort. I mean sure, she was appreciative, and I kind of felt myself blushing when I was speaking, but I don't think she noticed. When I got back to the farm I ran upstairs, threw my bag down and hopped onto my bed. I curled up in a ball and thought. If I were to just do something tomorrow, something that would change anything. Maybe I could write her an anonymous note. Sure that's the cowardly way to do things but it could work. Or I could just tell her.... No it would be way too soon, and the awkwardness if she didn't feel the same way! What am I saying, of course she doesn't feel the same way. Or I could— "AppleJack!"
I turned around to see Granny Smith right up by my face.
Me: "Oh..uh...hey!" I smiled meekly.
Granny: "Do you have a—" she paused to raise her eyebrow "boyfriend?"
What the?! What was she on about.
Me: "Granny what are you talking about?"
Granny: "Well it's not often you see someone with their eyes closed smiling to themselves!"

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