Chapter 15: Revealing the Truth

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A/N: Before starting this chapter I added a bit more to Chapter 15 so if you haven't read that yet, please do or it won't make any sense in this chapter 😂

Pinkie's POV:

Ok sure. I told a few lies. It wasn't Rainbow Dash who told me, but I didn't want to make myself look bad in front of AJ. I also "rushed in the need of Rainbow"... but I suppose that was kinda to do with giving a good impression as well. I was surprised and not surprised to see Rainbow looking a tiny bit angry when I saw her on the hospital bed, as I knew why.
Me: "Hey Rainbow Dash! Um...h-how you doin'? Good??"
Rainbow Dash: "Physically I'm fine, but we need to ask you something, and we know you know what it is."
Yep...I definitely did.
Me: "Is it about you two?" I was trying to keep myself from exploding, and I so wanted the floor to open up so I could escape...

Rainbow's POV:
I nodded at her and prepared myself. She knew something. She was hiding something.
AJ: "So tell us Pinkie, how did you know? No blaming anyone else, we just want to know the honest truth."
Here we go!
Pinkie Pie: "Fine! You want the truth? I'll give you the truth." She slammed her hand on the table next to my bed and took a deep breath. "I was jealous ok? Jealous!" The words kind of sunk into my brain.
I gave AppleJack a look and she just raised her eyebrows.
Pinkie: "Ever since you two started hanging out more, I wanted to know what was going on. When I saw you and Rainbow Dash hugging I knew I had no chance!"
AJ: "No chance for what sugarcube?"
Pinkie: "Let me finish! I was behind the school, I didn't want to really hang out with anyone. And then I saw AppleJack and she sat down right in front of me! I can't believe she didn't see me! Then she bursted out crying and I was amazed because AJ never cries...ever. And I was just about to comfort her and then you came!" she pointed at me looking very angry and frustrated. "Oh I knew everything after that moment. Listening the whole time! You didn't even notice!"
I grinned. I shouldn't have but I did.
Me: "So all this time, you had a crush on AppleJack?!" Pinkie blushed, and it made me feel uncomfortable. I suppose that's how AJ felt when she saw me with Gilda, it wasn't a nice feeling. She didn't answer back.
Me: "I mean, I can't blame you, what's not to like?"
AppleJack: "Rainbow!"
Pinkie: "It's fine, I'm sorry...I shouldn't have interfered with you guys anyway..."
AppleJack: "Pinkie Pie you didn't 'interfere'. We all like having you around and it's not like we're gonna stop hanging out with you. When Rainbow gets better, I'm sure we can all go somewhere together. All of us, y'know?"
Pinkie Pie smiled and apologised again. AppleJack always knew how to make people feel better.

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