Chapter 2: The Sleepover

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I was excited. Today Rarity had planned a sleepover and I so looking forward to it. I packed my things and headed to the boutique.
Pinkie Pie: "AppleJack you made it! We thought you forgot about us and decided not to come and we all got worried and thought—
Me: Calm down! I'm here now anyway.
I plonked my self down on one of the beds that was set up.
Rainbow Dash: "So what do you guys wanna do? I mean, we still have about an hour till it gets dark."
Me: "Why don't we..uh...have a race?" Don't ask. I had no idea why it came out my mouth. A race?
Rainbow Dash: "YES! That's what I'm talking about. Ok, you guys all race against each other and then whoever wins gets to race me!"
It seemed fair, and everyone else agreed to it so I was in.
We found a field nearby that was perfect. It was me, Twilight, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. Rarity refused to get her heels dirty.
"3! 2! 1! GO!" yelled Rainbow Dash.
—After The Race—
Rainbow Dash: "Wow AJ! That was awesome!"
I blushed again.
Rainbow Dash: "But good luck trying to beat the fastest girl in PonyVille."
I grinned, I was up for the challenge.
— After The Race — Again —
I was so out of breath that RD had to carry me, yes..carry me, back to the boutique. Of course she won, no doubt about that.
Me: "Aw thanks sugarcube, but ya didn't really need to carry me all the way back" I said once she had plonked me back on the bed.
Rainbow Dash: "It's no biggie...sugar cube," she grinned. "Your not heavy anyway."
Pinkie Pie was looking at me with that Pinkie Pie look, and I knew why.
Pinkie Pie: "Ok guys let's all get into bed and tell stories!! This is gonna be awesome!"
We all went into separate rooms to get changed. Lucky I got dressed when I did because just as I finished Pinkie burst in.
Me: "Gee Pinky! You scared me!"
I expected her to laugh or something, but instead she had a serious face, and came up to me to whisper:
"Hey..what's up with Rainbow? She's been acting so close to you and doesn't want to have a laugh with the rest of us anymore!"
Me: "Look, I'm sure it's fine. Maybe she's just tired. C'mon, let's join the others." I lay down on my bed while the others continued talking. It was dark so they couldn't see that I wasn't focusing on them. I guess I've always had a thing for Rainbow Dash..and maybe...just maybe....she had a thing for me? I don't know... She is my best friend and I don't want that to ruin our friendship.

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