Chapter 7: Confession Part 1

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AppleJack's Point of View:

Turns out it wasn't that voice in the back of my head... it was Rainbow herself. My head was already down, but I pulled my hat down a bit further, so she couldn't see my red eyes. No one other than my family had ever seen me cry.
Rainbow Dash: "Hey! What you doing in my spot!" She sounded strong, but she laughed afterwards. I sniffed and rubbed my eyes, and I think that gave it away.
Rainbow Dash: "Are you....AppleJack are you crying?" And then she lifted my hat. I could feel myself going bright red, and I expected her to laugh, but instead:
Rainbow Dash: "AppleJack what's wrong? You know you can tell me anything." Then she put her arm around my shoulder, and I felt over the moon.
Me: "Rainbow... I appreciate you trying to cheer me up n'all...but you won't understand. Why don't you go hang out with the others, you know, Gilda and stuff?" And then I pulled my hat back down over my face.

Rainbow Dash's Point of View:

I almost felt annoyed with myself. What was she on about? I mean I had never seen AppleJack cry, but she kind of looked...well....cute. Her cheeks went all red and her eyes were all puffy. It looked hideous when someone like Rarity was in tears, all you could see was her black mascara running down her face. But Gilda? Again?
Me: "What on earth are you talking about," I tightened my arms and shook her gently, being friendly.
Me: "I thought I told you what I thought of that beast anyway. She's in love with me AppleJack, she left a note in my locker and—" then AppleJack sniggered.
AppleJack: "Rainbow? I've been meaning to tell you this for ages now..."
Me: "Go ahead!"

A/N: Your welcome 😁🤣

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