Chapter 13: (I need a name idea)

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AppleJacks's Point of View

Right so, now I'm worried. Did Rainbow Dash tell Pinkie? No, she wouldn't. Was Pinkie spying?
Pinkie Pie: "AJ? Hellooooo?"
I pushed away Pinkie's hand from in front of my face.
Me: "Pinkie, what do you know?"
Pinkie: "About you and Rainbow. That your dating....duh!"
Me: "Shh! Shut up! Granny's right downstairs and—"
Granny Smith: "I knew it! You do have a boyfriend! Oh AppleJack! Why didn't y'tell me?" She said suddenly appearing in the doorway. This wasn't going to end well.
Pinkie Pie: "No Granny Smith, AppleJack doesn't have a boyfriend! She's—" I shoved my hand in Pinkie Pie's face before she could continue. I started to go red thinking about what could happen if Granny Smith found out, but Pinkie pushed me out the way and blurted out: "She's dating Rainbow Dash!"
Oh my god....the embarrassment. I could feel myself turning pink and headed downstairs, dragging Pinkie Pie with me. When we got into the garden I knew that something had to be done.
Me: "What the hell! Why did'ya tell Granny? Seriously! And...and how did you know?!" That was my main concern. I needed to know how she found out.
Pinkie Pie: "Rainbow Dash told me! How else would I know! And honestly, I thought you'd already told Granny, but then she said you had a boyfriend and I thought 'well that's not right' so I told her the truth. It seemed right."
Me: "Well-well it wasn't!" And then I ran back to the hospital. I needed to see Rainbow Dash.
When I got there, Fluttershy had just walked out of the ward. She seemed reasonably happy.
Fluttershy: "Oh AppleJack! Isn't it amazing, Rainbow Dash is going to be ok! Still injured but she will get better! It's great!" I felt so relieved, but now I could really get to the bottom of things.
I quietly opened the door and saw Rainbow lying on the bed, with her head up. Her eyes were red.

A/N: I'm back! First of all, I need an idea for this chapter name because for some reason I am really struggling to think of one. But I have had some time to think about the rest of the story. I'm pretty sure that there will be about 3 more chapters and I can't wait to write them. 😆🤪🦊💞🌈⚡️💜🍎🍁💞

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