Chapter 3

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Whether Mark liked it or not, Jinyoung always managed to sit next to him. Mark was still cold to Jinyoung but seemed to get somehow used to having him around.

Even then, Mark would talk only when he bothered enough to, and most of the time, Jinyoung found himself like talking to a brick wall.

But he felt he could understand Mark more now. He had been convinced that Mark being so distant and detached had been only due to either his nature or being at an unease with the new surrounding.

That assumption had lasted until that day.

Every lunch break, Mark would disappear from the class and Jinyoung would always follow him to the rooftop. As usual, Jinyoung nudging Mark to eat something for lunch, especially what was packed in his lunchbox. Quite often it was succeeded.

"If you don't want to go to the canteen, why don't you bring a lunchbox? Of course I'm so willing to share my lunch with you. Or do you want me to have another lunchbox packed for you?" Jinyoung suggested.

"Why would you? Do I look so starved that you can't help but spare me some food?" Mark said icily.

A look of panic ran across Jinyoung's face, especially as he recalled how he had had to coax Mark even to eat his food.

"Hey, I don't mean it like that! I'm just trying to suggest something better. Fine, don't worry about that matter anymore. Here, eat some," Jinyoung handed the lunchbox to Mark, who set his eyes on Jinyoung instead of reaching for the lunchbox.

Jinyoung knew he had made a mistake. It was going to be difficult again to convince Mark to have lunch.

"You're mad at me. Even when you know that I'd never mean something like that."

"Don't be ridiculous. I'm not mad at you. I'm not a ten-year-old child."

"Then show me that you aren't."

Mark gave him an exasperated look but still took the lunchbox, beginning to eat some.

Jinyoung was quite certain it was now safe to continue the subject.

"It's better when your mother prepares a lunchbox for you, herself. You know, who better than her would know what you like and what you don't? My mother always cares about such kind of simple things."

Mark stopped eating and his eyes changed into something else. Something Jinyoung couldn't understand but wanted to. A hint of bitterness and wrath combined. At least, that was what Jinyoung thought he saw in Mark's eyes.

Mark returned the lunchbox to Jinyoung and stood up to his own feet.

"What? Where are you going?" Jinyoung asked, his eyes desperate to search for Mark's and give him some comfort.

"I'm leaving."

"No. Tell me what's wrong. I know something I said upset you," Jinyoung gripped Mark's wrist, with the determination that he would not let it go until he knew the reason.

"You won't let me live," Mark let out a hiss before sitting down again. Jinyoung let his hand go and smiled encouragingly at him.

"Tell me. I'm not here to judge. My friend's concern is mine as well."

"You're not my friend," Mark snapped.

"Whatever. Are we going to argue over this?"

Mark grunted and looked away, his eyes starting to fill, again, with those emotions Jinyoung found difficult to understand.

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