Chapter 9

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The canteen for the business students was all crowded. The noise was just normal and everyone was chatting in their own groups of friends.

The system to pay for the food and get it immediately after ordering, was somehow frustrating, especially when a lot of students were in lines, waiting for their turn.

Jinyoung guessed it might be already about ten minutes since he had been waiting here in a long line. Fast food shops could be quicker but he would rather wait here for rice and bean soup than go straight to a fast food stall nearby.

At least there were only four students before him and it would be his turn anytime soon.

It had been a week since the first day and he was slowly trying to adapt to the college life. It was a good change but nothing was easy. It seemed he had to struggle everyday just like he had had to in high school. Except that it was in a different way.

The student at the top of the line was now done and it was a matter of three students now before it came to his turn. After this, he still needed to find an unoccupied table to sit at as most were-


The sound and the force came just at the same time and next moment, Jinyoung was stumbling on his feet, having been pushed away.

He had been forced out of his spot and someone had taken it. With anger, Jinyoung was ready to argue and take his place back.

But all his words were lost when he found who were now on his spot. One of Mark's friend, whose name was Jong, was smiling cockily at Jinyoung.

That was not what left Jinyoung dumbfounded; it was Mark, who was standing beside Jong. Who was looking at him with the unreadable eyes which Jinyoung could not make out what was behind.

"Geez, didn't know that you would be that easy to shove away in one move," Jong remarked.

Jinyoung's eyes were set on Mark, in disbelief. Mark turned his head back to the front and crossed his arms across his chest, looking unwilling to wait. Then Jong was talking to him and to both of them, Jinyoung was forgotten.

That was it. Everything was starting to sink in. Mark did not mind seeing him picked on or even worse, he enjoyed the sight, Jinyoung thought. He turned around and decided to leave. Why could not he stand up for himself and challenge them both? Jinyoung shook his head at the thought; he was just too upset to fight back.

Instead of leaving, he walked to the end of the line and took his spot behind the last person, with seven students now in front of him.

Jinyoung could understand if Mark did not want to associate with him or looked at him like he was a total stranger, all the time. But this. This was all beyond he could understand.

He should not have waited, instead should have skipped lunch. That was all Jinyoung could think of as he ran to the class. It was already ten minutes late and it was a five-minute-walk to the class.

He hastened his pace but a part of him dreaded arriving at the class and then seeing Mark's indifferent face and Jong's contemptuous eyes, which were eager to drag him down at any moment.

Mark had changed; he was no more the same person, Jinyoung used to know - a distant student, who Jinyoung always felt the need to protect.

Jinyoung felt nothing familiar with the present Mark and could not understand him. Perhaps, Mark was taking revenge on him.

Jinyoung slowed down his speed as he headed for the classroom, which was now just a few feet away, with the hesitant steps.

"Excuse me," Jinyoung uttered, just loud enough for the teacher to hear him. "I'm late. Sorry."

She glared at him, perhaps angry to be interrupted in the middle of the lecture, Jinyoung assumed.

"Come in. Just in the freshman year and you're already stealing the class time?" she scolded him, in her stern voice, "Let it be the last time."

Jinyoung just bowed at her and made his way to his seat. He made sure not to look at Mark nor any of his friends, when he was passing by them, who were sitting in the front row near the entrance.

Again he should have known better than walking by them. The moment his legs came in contact with the sudden obstacle, which had not been there before, he staggered and fell forward, with his upper body on the table nearby.

The laughters and exclamations broke out, and the teacher, now angry, shut the students up.

"What's wrong with you? Are you drunk or on drug?"

Jinyoung could not answer the teacher's question as he was pushed away by Jong, onto whose table Jinyoung had fallen. He straightened up and his face turned red, with embarrassment.

He was certain, it was Jong, who had blocked him with his leg, and then there was Mark looking at him.

"You tripped me. You did that. You blocked my way with your leg," Jinyoung claimed, with his eyes fixed on Jong's flippant expression.

"Excuse me. Why should I? You can't just fall on your own and then accuse me. Mark, did you see me doing that?"

Jinyoung's eyes moved to Mark, who was still gazing at him.

"No, I didn't. I don't get why he's lying," Mark said, not breaking his eyes away from Jinyoung's.

"Stop now, all of you. You go to your seat," said the teacher to Jinyoung, "And the rest, focus on the lecture."

Jinyoung sheered his eyes away from Mark and strode to his seat. He had no more desire to question the situation or why Mark was treating him like that. There was just no more need for those questions. Now what Mark wanted, it was all clear to Jinyoung.

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