Chapter 13

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The classroom was quite empty when Jinyoung arrived there, which was not surprising, however, given that it was still too early for the class to start.

Empty, except for one person, who was at the back of the room and seemed to be sleeping with his head on the table, making his two arms a pillow.

Jinyoung stared at Mark's sleeping form for a moment, before going straight to his seat. He loved this solitude when he was just alone in the class. This time, he was not alone but Mark was sleeping; so Jinyoung's mind was relaxed.

Taking out the book he had been reading, he flipped straight to the page he had last read. Once he started reading, everything else was forgotten and his mind became more composed and concentrated.

"Hi, excuse me." A hesitant, uncertain voice interrupted Jinyoung's mind, which had been lost in his book.

Jinyoung looked up and saw a student of his age standing near his table. His eyes were amiable and his straight posture radiated confidence. He was of Jinyoung's height and his body built, which looked nice and matched his good-looking face.

A smile appeared on his lips when Jinyoung acknowledged his presence with a look.


"You're Park Jinyoung, right? Scratch that, I know you're. I'm Tae Hyun from Tourism department. Can I take a seat?"

Jinyoung looked at Tae Hyun in confusion but still nodded afterwards. Tae Hyun was seated, a moment later, on the chair just beside Jinyoung.

"Is that some matter of urgency? Sorry, but I've never seen you before."

Tae Hyun grinned and nodded, "Of course, you don't know me but I've noticed you for quite a long time now. You're always alone."

Jinyoung had no idea what Tae Hyun wanted but felt relieved that there didn't seem to be any important matter.

"Can I know why you're here?" Jinyoung inquired.

Tae Hyun took a moment to look at Jinyoung, as if he was studying every feature of Jinyoung's face.

"Can I be your friend? Well, I know, it's odd, our departments are so far away from each other. It was not easy even to track you down here. But distance isn't important when we're willing, right?"

Jinyoung didn't know what to say; did he want a friend? It seemed that he was never lucky with friends and friendship. He was no more certain if he wanted to commit himself to another friendship again.

"Ah," Jinyoung tried to find words but then his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone stirring at the back. Tae Hyun turned to the sound and looked quite surprised that there was someone else aside from themselves.

"I'm not so sure, Tae Hyun-ssi," Tae Hyun's attention was back to Jinyoung, "I guess, we can be friends but only to the extend that we know each other. You know me and now I know you. Is that alright?"

Tae Hyun's face was in confusion and a grimace but Jinyoung felt it was because of something esle, not because of his words. Jinyoung darted his eyes to Mark and his suspicion was right. Mark's eyes were sharp on Tae Hyun and his glare was so cold and piercing that Jinyoung felt a chill passing through his body.

"Ah, I think you should leave now. The other students are coming soon. I'll consider what you said, okay?"

Jinyoung gave him a warm smile, already feeling bad for him, due to Mark's penetrating eyes. Thankfully, a smile returned to Tae Hyun's lips and his eyes were shining again.

"So we'll meet some time soon? I want to get to know you next time, I mean if you want to be friends with me."

Jinyoung nodded quickly because he could feel Mark's sharp eyes were now on him as well. He felt the need to dismiss Tae Hyun as soon as possible before Mark might do something to scare Tae Hyun away.

"So I'll see you around then. You'll be surprised at how I know all of the places you usually can be found," Tae Hyun smiled proudly, "So next time then."

"Yeah. Next time."

At last, Tae Hyun got off the chair and smiled at Jinyoung, before turning around, for sure, meeting Mark's glare a moment, and left the place.

Jinyoung released a sigh and picked up his book again, ignoring Mark's glower at him.

"So you've found another victim?" Mark's voice called Jinyoung's attention.

"What do you mean?" Jinyoung asked, not turning around to face Mark.

"Don't play innocent. You know what I mean. I can see that guy's going to end up like me. He'll be given so many hopes and then in the end, all of them will be crushed down." Mark's voice was full of bitterness and Jinyoung did not fail to notice that.

"I never intend to do something like that. I never will. Why, why do you still misunderstand me? I did explain to you."

A laughter came out and this time, Jinyoung turned around on his chair, to look at Mark in confusion.

"Yes, you did explain to me. But you still don't realise yourself," said Mark with irritation, "You never know what you're doing. You're ignorant of how your actions make someone feel. Not guessing, but personal experience. You make them feel as if they were so special to you, when in fact, they aren't."

Mark's sharp eyes met Jinyoung's vulnearble ones, challenging Jinyoung to defy him.

"Are you still hurt because of that? I thought you'd already moved on. Why all of this now again?"

"You're right, I've fucking moved on. You don't matter to me anymore, Jinyoung, like I've never mattered to you more than a friend," said Mark, through his gritted teeth.

Jinyoung shook his head, "But still you've always meant a lot to me. You don't understand me, Mark."

Jinyoung heard some footsteps outside the class and turned back to the front.

"Maybe, I don't," Mark's words continued, "But my advice, don't get someone's hopes up when you can't give them nothing more than friendship."

Jinyoung felt himself at a loss of words but he was saved from this heated situation as the students entered the room and filled the silence, moving around and taking their seats.

Then everything was back to normal, Mark talking with Jong and Seung, and Jinyoung being lost in his own thoughts. As usual, he was going to make sure he did not pay his attention on Mark and his friends, or their taunting words towards him.

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