Chapter 4

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The following two days, there had been no teaching session between Jinyoung and Mark. It was quite impossible to manage the time. Staying after school was quite out of the question as the students were not allowed to linger in the class for long after all the classes had been over.

To teach Mark during the inter-periods was not a good idea either. At last the only option left was to stay at one's house and take some time there to review the lessons together.

Mark was still not fond of the idea of being guided by Jinyoung but the latter was as persistent as ever.

After school, they took the bus together to Mark's place and the rest of the way, Mark led Jinyoung to his house.

It was a quiet neighbourhood where there was a row of houses of similar designs and sizes not so different from one another. There were not many cars on the street and the whole neighbourhood gave vibes of solace.

They walked together in silence until Mark stopped in front of a house painted white and with a modern touch in it.

"So this is your place? It looks nice, really."

Mark gave a curt nod and continued his way to the front gate, with Jinyoung in tow. Walking past the gate to the door of the house. Mark entered some door lock passwords and then led Jinyoung inside.

The inside was neat and decorated simply, with everything in order. Jinyoung took a look around and observing everything, tried to imagine what kind of home life Mark lived.

"We're going to my room," Mark said.

"No one else is home?"

Before Mark could answer, a good-looking woman in her late thirties with a warm smile appeared at the living-room. Her eyes a little wide in surprise when she saw Jinyoung.

"Oh, Mark's brought his friend?" she asked, walking to them and smiling at Jinyoung, who couldn't help but smile back at her, "I'm glad he's got friends. Are you in the same class?"

"Ah, yes, actually we a-"

"Follow me to my room," Mark looked at Jinyoung in impatience. Just by Mark's expression, Jinyoung could feel the tension and felt he should just follow Mark. But he didn't want to look rude.

"Just a moment?"

"As you choose. I'm going anyway."

With that, Mark strode to the staircase and up the stairs; and after a moment, the door slamming shut was heard.

Jinyoung was left in the awkward situation with Mark's stepmother, who sighed quietly afterwards.

"I hope you don't mind him. You might already know that I'm his stepmother. He just can't accept me yet."

"I know. I understand him," Jinyoung muttered and taking in her desolate eyes, said, "I'm sorry. I know it's hard for him. And it must be hard for you as well. Maybe it is just the circumstances he can't accept," Jinyoung mused. "Ah, sorry, I don't mean to intervene."

"It's alright, dear. If you're his friend, please try to keep him company and understand him. I think he always stays alone. Since I became a member of this family."

She took his hand as she said those words and he returned her a reassuring smile.

"I'll. He's also my only friend. Hm, by the way, where's his room? We need to review the lessons together."

She directed him to Mark's room, which was on the left side of the staircase. As Jinyoung had expected, the door was locked and he had to knock a couple of times.

"Finished talking with her?" asked Mark grudgingly, as he opened the door, "Why don't you just sit there and chat with her, instead?"

"Do you want me to? Next time, perhaps. But now let me stuff your brain with some facts of history."

Mark rolled his eyes but still let Jinyoung in. Mark's room was not messy like a normal teenager's room. Everything there was organised and the room smelled quite good.

"So where do we sit?" Jinyoung asked as he couldn't find a study desk.

"On the floor or on the bed. You choose."

"On the floor, I guess."

They seated on the floor just at the foot of the bed, and Jinyoung took out the history textbook and notebook, to begin their lengthy discussions about the ancient Korea.

The night was falling when they finished. It was quite unexpected as they had not meant it to be that long.

"I should go back home now. My parents will be worried if I miss the dinner," Jinyoung said, shoving his things back into his bag and then standing up.

Mark got up to his feet as well and saw Jinyoung to the door.

"Wait. I'll walk you to the bus-stop. Just a moment, I'll go put on the jacket."

Mark diappeared into his room again and after a moment, came out with a jacket on. When they went downstairs, there was no one in the living-room.

"Is that okay if I just leave without saying good-bye to your parents?"

"My father is not home yet," Mark said, flatly.

"And your stepmother?"

Mark gave him an irritated look and said, "In the kitchen. Preparing the dinner, I guess."

Mark didn't give him time but rushed him out of the house. There was some snow outside and the chilly wind went through their bones.

"You didn't ask me to stay for dinner when I had to use all of my energy to explain things to you for the last two hours," Jinyoung teased.

"You said you should be at home on time for dinner," Mark pursed, "And you wouldn't want to be at our dinner table."

Jinyoung wanted to convince Mark that things could be better if he tried to see them from the positive side. But then Mark would just argue. He let the silence fall as they walked to the bus-stop.

There was no bus yet when they arrived there. Mark offered to wait with Jinyoung, and instead of sitting on the bench, they stood nearby.

"Are you cold?" Mark asked. Jinyoung was still in his school uniform and a jacket over it. It was undeniably cold and Mark did not need the answer as Jinyoung was shifting side to side on his feet to try to keep himself warm.

Some parts of their jackets were covered in snow and so was their hair.

Mark reached for the inner pocket of his jacket and took out a woollen scarf in gray and black stripes.

"Take this. You'll need it."

Before Jinyoung could say anything, Mark was already wrapping the scarf around Jinyoung's neck and adjusting the jacket.

"Thank you," Jinyoung muttered.

"Do you usually say 'thank you' to your friend?"

"Huh?" Jinyoung tried to process what Mark meant, "Oh, so I'm your friend? At last, you admit it."

"Whatever," Mark said but still smiled. "So tomorrow as well? Are we studying here at my place?"

"Of course. I'm always ready for my willing student."

"But no more late, like this. It's now dark and cold."

Mark reached for Jinyoung's hands and their cold hands met, making them laugh. Mark rubbed Jinyoung's hands to make them warm; something Jinyoung had done to him. Jinyoung smiled thankfully at him and started rubbing their hands together.

A few minutes later, the bus arrived and they withdrew their hands, as Jinyoung later turned around to get on the bus.

"Tomorrow!" Mark said, which caused Jinyoung to turn around just when he was on the bus.

"Tomorrow," Jinyoung muttered and waved as the bus started to move forward and Mark was left behind.

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