Chapter 19

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All along the way, Jinyoung had to hurry the taxi driver; and when the car halted in front of the airport, it was already three twenty.

How could he search for Mark within so little time? The airport was large and how could he know where Mark was?

There was no hope left in him; but he would not let this chance go, just by sitting somewhere and grieving over it.

He ran his eyes over the check-in areas, but for sure, Mark must have already done it. The possbility was Mark could already be walking to the gate now. If Jinyoung could find him on the way, then everything would turn out as he had expected.

But it was merely something that could motivate him to continue searching, because he could plainly see that it was more of an impossibility.

Time was ticking away as he strode around the airport, running his eyes over the people and skimming the crowds. Fear and exhaustion took control of his body as he passed the places but caught no glimpse of Mark.

When he got near the security check and gates, it was already fifteen minutes to four. Mark might be already on the plane by now. Everything was over now. That was just their destiny that they were never meant to be together.

Defeated and giving up the search, as it was now useless, Jinyoung dragged his feet to the bench nearby and sat down on it.

Mark was gone now; for everything, Jinyoung could only blame himself. If only he had realised his love for Mark, sooner.

He was so lost in his own agony that he barely noticed the surrounding. But then some faint microphone voice of the boarding call caught his attention. Unless he was mistaking it, he did hear the flight boarding call for the flight to LA at 4pm.

He got up to his feet in an instant and followed the voice, in haste. Far away, he could see the gate from which the voice was coming and could have run there, if not for the security.


He was shouting as his eyes started to brim with tears. With his eyes in a blur, he saw the two security guards rushing to him and then blocked him from the front.

"You're not a passenger? Why're you here?" One of them looked at him in suspicion.

"You can't be here. Leave now if you don't want to be dragged out."

"C-Could you help me? Mark, he needs to know that I'm here. Please let him know that I'm here."

"Don't play games, young man. You could be arrested on suspicion of intending to cause a chao. Leave now."

"This is only personal. At least I want him to know that I...I...," Jinyoung broke down into tears.

Next moment, he was dragged by the security away from the place. Once away, they searched his body for any harmful devices but finding none, continued to take him to the exit of the airport and left him there.

Jinyoung fell to his knees on the spot as they had left him and more tears ran down his face. That was it; that was just their fate. There had been no forever since the beginning.

After what felt like an eternity, he got up to his feet and started out of the airport. Goodbye, Mark. If they were not meant to be together, why had fate let them meet in the first place? Jinyoung thought bitterly.

He had now loved someone in his life and all he got back was heartbreak. Never in his life, would he be able to love someone again.

Mark, he would always be in his heart, even if they were never to meet again.

Their lives would just be what they had been before Jinyoung had met Mark. The latter would meet someone else and would eventually forget him.

Somehow that sounded better than Mark suffering because of him. Someone better than him would be waiting for Mark and the latter deserved that.

Out of all the mistakes he had done in his life, his rejection to Mark's confession or his not realising his own love for Mark sooner, was the one, which would haunt him for the rest of his life.

Instead of hailing a taxi, he slowly walked away from the airport, with no particular direction in his mind. the bustling sight of the city could not distract him nor the tiredness he felt could not stop him from stubbornly continuing his way along the pavement.

The world was still going on; only he was stuck in the past and regrets. If only he had let Mark know that he loved him. Then Jinyoung could have accepted this fate better.

His days would just be the same, with Jong and Seung making fun of him, the lessons, books, his family, Tae Hyun and the routines. Except that his heart would be empty and everything at the college would remind him of Mark.

The high school and college, both of which he could turn to, when he missed Mark. Although they held more of agonising memories than wonderful ones.

Having taken everything for granted, only now as he knew he lost all of those things, did he realise how precious all of them had been and how he could have turned them even better.

Life would still go on, however remorseful he would feel and be grieving over the past.

He wiped the tears away and now concentrated more on his steps, trying to notice where exactly he was going. Goodbye, Mark. He silently muttered in his mind, for the last time, before hailing a taxi that would get him home. Soon he was going to start his life all over again.

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