Chapter 20

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Five years. Those years had done a great deal to him. Had changed a great deal of him. Now, he was living on his own, in a cozy apartment, apart from his parents.

He had his own job now, as well. After one year of internship as an personal assistant of the CEO, at an international company, he was now the official assistant of the CEO, along with the secretary.

All in all, most of the things had turned out pretty well, and he was no less satisfied with what he had got now.

Jinyoung took some more time to shave and as he stared at himself in the mirror, he saw nothing particularly changed in the now him from the yesterday him. But when compared to what he had been at college, there were a lot that had changed in his appearance.

His hair was now shorter than back then; and his body and face had lost most of the boyish look, instead manhood had replaced. Twenty-six was not too old but not too young, either.

His life had been as lonely as ever since Mark had left. There were times when he would long for that person's presence but most of the time, he was used to ignoring his yearning for something impossible.

Mark was now no more than a memory or someone he had once loved in his life. Nothing more. He had moved on, or at least that was what he had tried to.

He and Yumin, the secretary, had got an office room for themselves. The things she has to do were more formal than his own. For him, all the small details and even the personal cases of the boss were what he had to deal with.

He liked here; since his internship, he had felt this was just the very company he would work for. Their boss was a married man in his early forties and had founded the company decades ago.

"Jinyoung," his boss said, as he and Jinyoung were heading for the car parking, the latter carrying the CEO's briefcase, "I've an appointment at six. There's not much time left. I forgot to tell you in advance but if you've nothing particular to do, I want you to drive me there."

That was no unusual thing, as there were countless times he had to be a temporary driver for his boss.

"I've nothing else to do, sir."

The CEO gave him the car keys, "Don't worry about the dinner. You can just have it with us. I'm not sure how long it will take. It's just a friendly meeting before we enter to our business deal."

The drive to their destination was mostly in silence as Mr. Nam usually liked to lie back on his seat and just relax while the younger was driving.

After about half an hour, Jinyoung pulled up the car in the car parking of the five-star hotel of Seoul. Most of the appointments his boss managed took place here.

As usual, it was to be in a private room, and the waiter led them to the room.

"Your business partner is already there, sir," the waiter informed Mr. Nam just matter-of-factly, on the way.

"I'm not late, am I? Still a few minutes left before six. Well, that's nice anyway."

The waiter led them till the room and opened the door for them, as the cozy, classic red-coloured room welcomed them.

The person who was sitting there, got up to his feet as soon as he saw them coming in. When he turned to them, Jinyoung felt his whole body was frozen on the spot.

Mark. Jinyoung could not believe his own eyes; was it really his Mark? The Mark he used to know?

His shocked expression mirrored Mark, who stared at him, startled. But then Mark's attention suddenly shifted to Mr. Nam.

"Mr. Tuan, how do you do? Nice to meet you again."

They shook hands, exchanging pleasantries; then Mark's eyes turned back to Jinyoung in a questioning look. Jinyoung cleared his throat in nervousness, before he managed, "Pleased to meet you. I'm the CEO's personal assistant."

Mark gave him a curt nod, "I'm Mark Tuan. Glad to meet you, Park Jinyoung."

Had he mentioned his name? Jinyoung thought and felt relieved that his boss did not seem to notice this.


Jinyoung turned his attention back to Mark, who was looking at him, impatiently. Only then Jinyoung's eyes fell on Mark's extended hand to him.

"Oh, sorry. I was carried away. Nice meeting you, Mr. Tuan."

He took Mark's hand for a handshake and felt his knees going weak within those few seconds of their skin contact.

Mark cleared his throat before looking away. Afterwards all of them sat down. The food-ordering process was done first and then both Mr. Nam and Mark fell into their conversation focusing on business and their deal.

Mark no more spared a glance at Jinyoung while the latter used this chance to observe Mark and how much he had changed.

Mark was in a business suit and his whole appearance gave an impression of a confident and methodical businessman. The features that made him look young were still there and for sure, he had got more handsome than ever.

Jinyoung's mind could not focus on their discussion but he tried to pay attention on Mark's personal information. But that was little said as they were more into their business deal. All Jinyoung could conclude about Mark was that the latter was now starting the branches of his company here in Seoul and also to keep the company's headquarter here.

All the dishes which they were eating now, were just as excellent as they could be. Wine was there for dessert; and the conversation continued for another half an hour, before they decided that it was time to leave.

"Thank you for this dinner and everything, Mr. Nam. Your suggestions have given me really more new ideas. And above all, I'm thankful for the deal."

"Pleasure is mine. We'll meet again some time soon? The date and time will be arranged later. Well, good luck. I see much potential in you."

They shook hands again; and like before, Mark turned to Jinyoung and held his hand out for a hand-shake.

"Um, it's nice meeting you, Mr. Tuan. It's a delight."

"You were quiet the whole time, Mr. Park. Are you okay?"

Mark gave him a formal concern and Jinyoung managed a smile, "I'm totally fine. Goodnight."

Goodnight. Just another way of saying 'Goodbye'. Jinyoung hoped it was not their goodbye yet.

All the way out of the restaurant, the two CEOs exchanged a few words, before parting their ways at the car parking to walk to their own cars.

Jinyoung and his boss headed for the latter's car and before they entered, Jinyoung chanced a glance at Mark, who was some distance away from them.

Mark was talking on phone and then a girl about in her early twenties, with the beautiful features and a nice smile, walked to him and joined him before both of them getting in the car.

Jinyoung stared at them as he felt his heart crashing every second. Of course, someone like Mark, would have somebody by their side. Why had he expected that Mark would still be single, after all those years?

Mark had never been his and would never be. Somehow it was better to know the truth, because he no more needed to be suffering from his endless hopes again.

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