Chapter 10

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There was enough time left before the class started and Jinyoung headed for the central library, instead of going straight to the class.

He wanted some books, fictions or autobiographies, which would keep him company, as all he had to read these days were the business course books.

As the campus was large, the central library was a long way from his class but nearer from the university entrance.

There was the gentle breeze and it was all quiet in the campus, as it was still early and there were barely any students. He liked this atmosphere and took the comfort in the silence.

Far away, he spotted some students talking and coming out of the gym centred building, which was just a few buildings away from the library.

It was just a normal sight to see the students there in the early morning, as it was open at 7am, which was much earlier, compared to the opening hours of the sub-gym rooms in the respective departments.

But the nearer they got to him, the more he became alert as their figures were now close enough for him to figure out who they were and their voices were too familiar to ignore.

He was not afraid, Jinyoung tried to defend himself. If he could avoid them, there would be no problem, no drama.

Now, it seemed they had also noticed Jinyoung because the voices ceased a moment and three pairs of eyes fell on him.

"Look! Who's here! Our cute nerd from the class, huh?" Jong's voice boomed out, "Why're you wandering alone?"

Jinyoung was now only a few feet away from them and there was no other way he could turn into as this was the only way to the library.

"It's too rude when you ignore someone's question, you know?" Jong jeered and Jinyoung bit his lip to steel himself.

"Words alone are not enough, maybe he prefers actions," Seung remarked.

Jinyoung tightened his grip on the bag straps and tried to keep his steps steady.

"Of course, my muscles are ready to be used. Come on, boy. You're going to learn what we're capable of."

Jinyoung stopped short on the spot and looked around for help. There was no one else around and it was now too late to run away. They were coming to him and the smell of their sweat was in the air.

They stopped in front of him and except Mark, they looked at him from head to toe, sizing him up.

"Let me go," said Jinyoung, sensing that they were now trapping him.

"Only after something is done," Seung declared and gave Mark a nod.

Jinyoung watched their actions with dread and when Mark stepped forward, Jinyoung took a step backward.

Within a second, Mark's hand was on his bag and yanked at it.

"What're you doing? Give it back to me," Jinyoung demanded; his eyes followed his bag in Mark's hand.

He was ignored and next moment, the bag was opened and Mark kept it upside down so that the books dropped to the ground. There were still other things inside the bag and Mark kept it the right way up again.

"Enough. Give it back to me." Jinyoung stepped forward but Seung moved and pushed him towards the ground.

Jinyoung fell on his hips and his eyes followed his wallet, which was dropped and landed beside him.

"Throw all the things out. Where's his phone?" Jong asked Mark.

The latter felt inside the bag and took out something, which was not a phone, but something which made him stop all of his actions and stare at. It was a scarf in black and gray stripes; he glanced back at Jinyoung, who was looking at him.

"What's that?" Jong grabbed the scarf from Mark's hand. "I told you there was something wrong with his brain. Who wears a scarf in this season? Care to explain, Mr. Weird Guy?"

"None of your business. Leave that alone. You can take all you want. Just leave it alone." Jinyoung felt the instant anger to see the scarf in Jong's hand.

"You're so naive, Park Jinyoung," Seung laughed, "You want that back, right? Keep it, Jong. Or should we do something to destroy it in front of his eyes?"

"Done you dare! It's a gift from my friend. It's the only thing I've got from him," Jinyoung felt the need for his words to be heard by Mark and that certainly got Mark's attention. Mark's eyes were set on Jinyoung and for several seconds, their eyes were locked. All the hurt was visible in Jinyoung's eyes and Mark turned away again.

"So? Are you pleading with us? Why, at least, you'll have a story to tell your friend back, about what's happened to his present," Seung mocked.

"We don't have much time," Jong reminded him and they exchanged glances again.

Then they launched into actions, first Jong kicking the books away till they were all scattered everywhere and then Seung stamping on the wallet.

Then he turned to Jinyoung and smiled at him with malice, before starting to kick Jinyoung in the stomach.

Jinyoung withstood it with a groan, but when more kicks came, he fell on his back, clutching his stomach in pain.

Both Jong and Mark coming to him was the last thing he saw before his eyes closed, and later more kicks in his stomach and sides came. But he could no longer keep his mind in process to know which kick was whose; and all he could feel was the endless pain and agony, wishing all of this would stop.

He was on the verge of losing consciousness when the kicks came to a halt, and after the long, dreadful seconds, the footsteps going away from him were heard.

He opened his eyes slowly but his vision was all blurred. All he could see was the faint sight of the moving figures, heading away from him. After staring for a moment at the back, which he assumed was Mark's, he closed his eyes again, as the pain shot through his whole body and he struggled to keep his consciousness. The body pain was unbearable and so was the mental agony. Jinyoung tried to shut down all his thoughts and remained still on his back.

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