Chapter 12

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The days had become more dreadful for Jinyoung as they passed. Now being bullied was no more a new thing for him; and even the whole class was aware that he was a prey to Jong and his friends.

Sometimes it was just about being called names either when he was alone or when there were other people around. At first he had been deeply embarrassed in such situations but now it seemed to be the most merciful way he could get away from them.

He no longer dared leave his bag behind, for he would always find it being messed up when he came back to it. His locker door was often destroyed and some unpleasant, revolting things would be waiting for him there, inside.

Sometimes, it was about the physical torment and he always had to make sure he would not bump into Mark and his friends in the hallways or on the campus when he was walking alone.

"She really is a thing, you know, head to toe gorgeous and damn popular," Jong was saying, with enthusiasm.

He was leaning against the wall of the room, facing his two friends, who were seated in front of him. These days, they mostly sat at the back of the room, which let them see the whole view of the class and be far away from the teachers.

Jinyoung's seat was far away from them, being at the corner of the second row. But it did not mean that their spiteful attention was less focused on him.

Normally, in such situations like when the teacher was late, they would be jeering at him with names from their seats. But today, it seemed their mind was occupied by something else.

"What's more," Seung added, "She's head over heels for you, Mark. Man, if I were you, I would have seized her right there and then."

"Yejin is sweet to me, I know," Mark said, "But everyone knows that she's just a flirt. She flirts with everyone and no wonder, she does with me as well."

Jinyoung now could grasp the idea of what they were talking about. He had no idea of who Yejin was and had never seen Mark with a girl. But certainly there were parts of Mark's life, which Jinyoung had no idea of or had never caught a glimpse of.

"No way, you aren't going to tell me that you mean nothing to her. Is that why you never initiated anything to her?" Jong asked, his voice urging Mark, "I tell you, Mark, she's really a feast. If she didn't seem so desperate to talk to you or touch you, man, I would already have taken her."

"The point is?" Mark asked lazily.

"That you should date her. I don't know why we're even having to urge you."

"Even just for fun, she's worth it. You should give it a try, Mark," Seung added and then his words turned to a whisper, "And then get laid. Wee, I'd have given anything to see what she's got behind those dresses. But I'll leave it to you."

"She's not my type, even if she's the most gorgeous girl on the whole campus. I don't like mingling with dangerous girls," said Mark.

"But what if you manage to keep her for a serious relationship? You'd make a hot couple. All you need to do is give it a try, Mark," Seung encouraged Mark.

"I don't know," Mark said, after a long pause, "But surely I'm not interested in her. There's nothing in her that I could love, even for a moment. Far from dating her. Maybe, you're right. Hell, I don't know and don't want to think about it now."

"Okay, but imagine what you'll be missing if someone takes her right away," Jong said, "Whatever. So what're our plans tonight? No, not tonight yet. What do we do now? Mr. Hyun is not going to arrive any time soon, it seems."

There was a short silence after that, before Jinyoung heard something that was concerned with him. "Well, our Park is there, all well and fit, and maybe a bit bored."

"Hey, there shithead!"

Jinyoung made sure not to flinch and as usual, tried to look not at all affected.

"Leave him alone," Mark demanded.

"What? Are you kidding me? Are you defending him?" Jong's voice was all full of suspicion.

"Shit. I'm getting a headache. Can't we be a little more decent, not fooling around? Just for now at least? I mean, you always have to come up with some names to call him, isn't it tiring? Well, I'm not saying, we're going to stop this. But just for now, I'm feeling weary."

"That's not the first time you back out, Mark, of picking on him," Seung accused, "Okay. Not now, if you say so. Hey, we've got a party to go to, tonight. Yejin is gonna be there. And maybe her friends too. Man, I guess I'm gonna get laid tonight. Jan has always got the best cocktails. No disappointment."

The sound of a satisfied laughter and high-five were heard. Jinyoung felt his heart sinking, hearing those words. For sure, he had no knowledge of what Mark was up to, outside the class. But he was pretty certain that parties, women and alcohol were now a part of Mark's life.

Mark had changed; just a year ago, he had not been someone who had been interested in those things. Who Jinyoung had found a year ago was someone pure, even if outwardly they were cold, distant and difficult to get close with.

But anything Mark did now was nothing to do with him now. Because both of them knew that they were no more a part of each other's life.

"So where do we meet? As usual, at Jong's place? Or we can meet at the party. Are your parents home, Jong?" Seung asked.

"What would be the matter, either away? They're totally cool with this. It's just a matter of some more time and convincing before I'm given the permission to throw my own party at our house. Hell, I'm gonna make that happen."

Their conversation was cut off as the teacher came in, with an apology for being late, and setting right away for his lecture. The rest of the period, Jinyoung tried to pay his full attention on the lecture, convincing himself that his mind did not dwell too much on what Mark would be doing at the party tonight.

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