Forgive me

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Gary and Pete were watching tv together. It was a romantic movie. Gary was the one who suggested it. Pete didn't agree to it but Gary forced it so...
They watched the ending. Pete felt very uncomfortable watching it so he looked away. It shows the 2 kissing passionately on the bed and it gets better if you keep looking.

"Petey, this is the part!" Gary pushes him a little to look. Pete glances and stands up. "I'm not watching this anymore." Pete runs away.

"Fine, go ahead. It's almost done anyways." Gary tells him. He then continues watching.
When it finishes, Gary gets up and goes to his room.

He collapsed on his bed and plays on his phone for a bit.

After a while, the bell rings. Gary could skip but he had English class with Pete so why not. When Gary walked in class, everyone starts glaring at him. He takes a seat next to Pete ignoring the stares that he is kinda used to every time he walks in.

Mr.Galloway immediately starts passing graded test papers to the students. "You think you failed the test Gary?" Pete asks him. "Yeah, I didn't study. I guessed on most of them." Gary answers.

"I didn't study either but I would be happy if it was at least a C." Pete then sees Gary get his test paper back. "Oh wow! Finally!" Gary gets excited. "What? What did you get?" Pete questions.
"A fucking 'D'. It's a 67%." Gary smiles. "Uhh, congrats... is that your highest or something?"

"Yeah, and I guessed!" Gary adds. Pete started clapping quietly for him. Mr.Galloway then stands in front of the classroom and everyone looked at him. "Hope you are happy with your results. Just finish what you did yesterday. It's due today. Any questions?" Mr.Galloway looks at the students and he turns to Pete who was raising his hand really high.

"Yes Pete?" Mr.Galloway sighs. "Well, I didn't get my test paper back. I turned it in though." Pete tells him. "If I don't have it, you have it." The teacher shakes his head, sits down, and starts drinking.

"Sir, What are you drinking?" A students asks the teacher.
"Apple juice." Mr.Galloway answers.

"What did we work on yesterday? We didn't even go to English yesterday, did we?" Pete scratches his head. "We were busy doing something else yesterday. Let's just ignore that assignment, it won't hurt." Gary shrugs.

They talked until the bell rang. Everyone walked out of class. Pete and Gary sat on the steps outside the school.

Gary looks at Pete. "What did you say?" Asked Gary. Pete looks back at him confused. "I didn't say anything..." Pete tells him. "Oh."

Time skip

Gary was hanging out somewhere, while Pete is doing some late homework. As Pete was writing, he got a text message from Gary saying that he will go to him.

Pete waits for Gary. After 5 minutes, Pete finally hears the door opening. Gary sits on the edge of Pete's bed. "Why don't you sit next to me." Gary tells him.
Pete sits next to him. "Where were you Gary?" Pete asks.

"I was just standing in the middle of no where Petey." Gary lies. Pete nods. "I wanted to be here because I wanted to tell you something." Gary starts.
"Yeah? What is it?" Questions Pete. "Here lemme show you..." Gary pushes Pete down on the bed and goes on top of him.

"You like me? HALP! HALP ME!" Pete yells. "No Petey." Gary shushes him. "What the hell?" Pete started squirming. He  even attempted to push him off but Gary is too strong.

"Your adorable Pete, every time you tell me to shut up." Gary then hugs Pete too tightly. "Gary stop! I can't breathe!" Pete pushes him. Gary stops. "Fine, then I'll do this." Gary then started kissing Pete. His face was red but he didn't like Gary like that.

Pete starts hitting him in the arms. Gary didn't continue and just looks at him. "I have something to ask you, do you like me back?" Gary asks him. Pete bit his lip trying to think what to say. "Yeah but..." Pete gets cut off.

"Thanks for the answer. One more thing to tell you." Gary looks at Pete and smiled devilishly. Gary leans in for another kiss but stops.

"I was gonna say...." Gary wanted to say it but didn't want to. "Come on What is it?" Pete became uncomfortable around him.

"That... its just a prank. I don't love you. If I did love you I would already token off my shirt." Gary tells Pete as he gets off of him. "You kissed me. Why did you do that!" Pete gets angry.

"Because I wanted it to seem more real." Gary says. "Fucking hell..." Pete turns pink from embarrassment. "You said you liked me? I won't see you the same anymore." Gary says.

"I was gonna say that I only like you as a friend but you cut me off you bitch!" Pete replies. "Come on confess. I know you liked me in the past." Gary adds. "No, I never liked you in the past. I like girls stop." Pete kicks Gary off the bed.

"Oof!" Gary lays on the ground. "Just shut up." Pete looks down at him. "Adorable." Gary teases. "Just get out of my room!" Pete shouts hitting him with a pillow until he leaves. Gary took off laughing.

Pete sighs and laughs at himself. "I did like him in the past." Pete told himself.

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