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The last time I've updated this book was like April 20th I think. I have another idea for this book so I might be posting another part today or tomorrow.

Also Vance is not a big character in this part but he's my favorite one in the greaser clique so why not.
Petey's POV

I walked out of my dorm. I decided to watch tv. Watching the swim team like a always do. "Hey Femme boy. Whatcha watching?" He says as he sits next to me. Seriously everyone would have guessed he was gonna come bother me.

"Gary, leave me alone." I simply argue back. He smirks and puts a hand on my shoulder. "Well you always hog the tv. Maybe you can do something new." He tells me.

I raise an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Pete, losers watch tv. Jimmy and I will be spray painting all over New Coventry. Those greasers will be so mad!" Gary says. "We might do it with the preps also just for fun."

I cross my arms and look at him. "I'm not getting in trouble with you guys again! You guys blamed me last time and I almost got landed into the hospital!"

Gary went silent for a while. "Come on, we'll blame it on Jimmy, Okay?" Gary says. I smile at that. "That's pretty mean." I tell Gary.

"Not that mean. Meet us in front of the school at 9 pm today." Gary gets off the couch. I think about it as Gary watches me. "Hmm Fine, you better not blame me though." I continue watching.

"Sweet! I gotta tell Jimmy about this." Gary runs away with a big grin on his face. Kinda looked like an evil grin but I'm use to it. I know he's crazy as hell.

Eventually I turn off the tv and glance at my watch. I headed to my room and finished homework before English class was next. I studied them for the English test tomorrow.

I finished the last problem and wiped sweat off my forehead. I turned on the fan and laid on my bed. I looked at Gary's side of the room since I shared a room with him. It was messy and my OCD is killing me. He literally had an upside down water bottle sitting on his desk and his walls were fucked. Posters were not straight and kill me with a pencil.

I cleaned up the whole room. His dirty laundry, um, I put it in a basket. When I finished I got the basket of dirty laundry and walked out the dormitories.

I went into the gym and to the boys locker room. I put the laundry in the washer and put tide, softener. I set it to regular, medium, and warm/cold.

I looked at my watch again. It was 6pm, I had English class so I went there.

We did our warm ups and turned in the homework I worked on today. My handwriting is chicken scratch when I'm in a rush. I sketched in my sketchbook while I waited for the next following instructions.

Mr. Galloway asked me to go to him. He was talking about my grade in his class. A high F. It wasn't my fault I had an F. It was all Gary and Jimmy's fault. They never give me a fucking break, telling me I should stop watching tv.

"Sir, can I make this up?" I ask the teacher. "Yes you have to write a two page essay about the book we are reading. 'That Was Then, This Is Now,' by S.E Hinton.

I sigh. "Okay, this is for my grade." I grab the book and went to my seat. I listen to an audiobook while reading. I set the audiobook speed 1.5x.

I stayed after class to do the essays and finished, finally. I turned it in and walked out of class. Hopefully I did good. School was finally over.

I looked at my watch and it said 8:38. I was glad I had 23 more minutes until I meet with Gary and Jimmy in front of the school.

I spend my remaining time doing homework for jocks, preps, and greasers. Vance made me do homework for all subjects which was stressful. Ted made me do a 10 page essay for his English class. I still had to do my own so that also explains why I'm failing my classes. Mostly on Math, I can't focus with this much stress.

When it was 8:55 I walked out the dorm and in front of the school. I could see the sunset. Gary and Jimmy weren't here yet. That's funny.

They arrived when it was exactly 9pm. "Oh, Petey your here already. We thought you were gonna be late again like you did last time." Jimmy says.

I just look around. Students were already giving me looks for whatever reason, I don't know. Cars honked at me whenever I cross.. is it my pink shirt?

"Come on, lets go to New Coventry already." Gary says, tired of us just standing here already. Jimmy and I follow him. When we got there, Gary gave us spray paints. "Don't write something.............Feminine." Gary says and Jimmy laughs.

I sigh loudly and started writing insults. I just realized the pink words I wrote. "Pete, you picked up a pink spray bottle?" Jimmy asks. I turn red. "I-I didn't know." I drop it.

Gary laughs. "Oh Petey, you always make things funny!" He hits my shoulder. "Ow..." I mumbled and continued.

I looked at what Jimmy wrote and they were bad... So was Gary's. Mine too so I can't really make fun of theirs. I'm surprised some greasers didn't catch us or police. Usually police are everywhere!

When we finished, we headed to the Prep's turf. It was harder since preps were actually walking around. Good came to us and asked us what we were doing.

"Nothing but I got these flowers." Jimmy flirts with him. They start making out and Gary continued spray painting. Jimmy and Gord went away for a while probably fucking and making out.

Sometimes Gary would tell me what to write which makes me feel weak since he thinks I suck at insults, which I am.

Jimmy came back. He looked like he fucked someone so I'm assuming he did. I think Jimmy was the best at the insults out of the three of us and Gary's insults were just too dark and he went too far.

I already hate this school and now I'm doing stuff that could land me in jail. Whatever, I should just stop complaining. This is what life is, Yeah?

Suddenly we see preps and greasers grouped up and we were circled. We're fucked! I should have disagreed to this whole thing. I'm so stupid.

I became so scared that I was sick and I wanted to throw up. Johnny and Derby literally cracked their knuckles which means I'm dead.

I looked at Gary. "It was all Jimmy! He planned it." Gary runs away and I followed him. Jimmy tried running away too but they held him back. "Ahh help!" We year Jimmy scream.

Gary and I hid somewhere watching them beat up Jimmy. "AHH GORD PLEASE!!"

That made me laugh. Then we hear sirens and the police came. That when Gary and I went back to school.

I didn't edit this so there might be spelling mistakes idk if there is though.

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