Something more

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Gary is walking down the hallways in the boys dorms. He heard talking from Jimmy's room so he decided to eavesdrop.
"Pete, your such a dork!" Jimmy says.
"I don't know if I should do it."

Gary smirks and opens the door. "Do what Petey?" Gary asks. Pete screams and falls on the floor. "Jesus! Get up Pete!" Jimmy helps Pete up. Gary glares at him like what the hell just happened.

"Do nothing?" Pete tries to lie. "Don't lie to me!" Gary threatens pulling out a paint brush. "Oops, wrong item!" Gary says pulling another item out of his other pocket. It was a banana. Pete and Jimmy glares at the banana. Jimmy cringes.

"Are kidding me?" Jimmy asks. "Shoot, I forgot it back in my room." Gary responds eating the banana. Jimmy facepalms.

"What were you gonna pull out?" Pete asks. "I was about to show you my kitchen knife. I sharpened it." Gary answers. "Kitchen knife.... seriously?" Pete looks at Gary. Gary shrugs. "I just got really into knives, any knives. I wish I could test it on somebody." Gary says casually.

Pete and Jimmy glanced at each other.

Time skip

"Today, in art, we are going to paint. We will go to the beach and try to copy the image and paint it." Ms.Philips explains. "Hell yeah. We are going to the beach." Jimmy does a weird dance that Gary and Pete cringed at. "You are a strange boy..." Ms.Philips tells Jimmy. He turns red in embarrassment.

Everyone gets up and starts walking out of class. "In a line!" Ms.Philips shouts. "This is not elementary." Gary whispers. Pete thought it would be rude to ignore so he just smiles at Gary. Jimmy was talking to other students.

"So Petey, did you get your paint brushes?" Gary raises a brow. Pete paused and ran to Ms.Philips. Gary laughs. "Excuse me, I forgot my paint brushes in the classroom. May I get it back?" Pete asks kindly. Ms.Philips rolls her eyes. "How can you forget things like this? Anyways, here's the keys. You better give it back." Ms.Philips sighs.

Pete rushes back to the room. He unlocks the door and gets his brushes. They went on the bus and Pete missed it. "Wait, Wait!" Pete shouts running on the sidewalk for the bus. The bus slows down and stops. Pete got on and everyone  starts to stare and chuckle when he passed by.

He sees Gary and Jimmy sitting together. Pete decides to take a seat in front of them. The bus starts to move again and  he was looking at the view through the window. Pete starts humming his favorite song.

Gary peeks at Pete and starts touching him on the head. "Stop, I know it's you Gary." Pete pushes Gary's hand away. "What's your favorite song Gary?" Jimmy asks. "Music sucks, man." Gary responds. Pete turns and glares at Gary in disappointment and so did Jimmy.

"What? I don't like music..." Gary shrugs. Pete shook his head and turned away. "BullSHIT!" I caught you listening to music this morning!" Jimmy crosses his arms. "I was listening to moaning sounds in a video smartass!" Gary shouts out.

Everyone turned to him with disgusted faces. "What the actual fuck Gary?" Pete tells him. "You jerk off to it?" Jimmy jokes. Gary just tries to hide under one of the seats but he is too big now.
"We are here!" Ms.Philips says as the bus stops in front of the beach. Everyone got off and ran to the sand.

Ms.Philips hands out the small white canvases and gave them paint. It was windy and sunny but a little cool.

Everyone got their materials ready and started painting. Gary finished real fast because he didn't even try. Jimmy was actually trying. He didn't do so well but at least he tried. Pete over here, worked his butt off. It was beautiful af. Tear sheds from the teacher.

"Hey Pete, look!" Gary says. Pete turns and flinches. Gary painted on Pete's nose. "NOOOO! My beautiful nose! Gary, what the hell?!" Pete covers his nose. "Don't worry, the color is.... pink." Gary smiles. "I'll look ridiculous until we return back into the dorms." Pete complains.

Gary laughs and paints on his own face. "Weirdo.." Pete whispers to himself. Jimmy then comes towards Pete and whispers in his ear. "Okay, Fine... I'll regret this in about a minute." Pete sighs.

Jimmy stands back and waits. "Hey Gary, stop painting on yourself and turn this way." Pete tells him. Gary drops the paint brush and turns to Pete. Gary looked ridiculous it wasn't even funny. Gary raises a brow. "Your a weirdo." Pete says.

"I know..." Gary responds. "I think something is stuck in my teeth."

Pete stares at him. "Can you help me?" Gary asks. Gary grabs Pete's finger. Pete pulls his hand away. "The faq?" Pete hides his hands behind his back.

"Never mind, I'll do it myself then." Gary says turning around and doing... that.

Pete waits. "Do it! You, uh, pussy!" Jimmy shouts at Pete from the distance. "Come on, P..Pete.. I mean... PUSSY!" Jimmy continues. Pete starts to get frustrated so he just went for it.

He taps on Gary's shoulder and he turns. "Please god." Pete whispers. "Can you get closer? I need to whisper it to you." Pete says. Gary leans in, bending a little. Pete took a while but manages to kiss Gary on the lips.

Both of their faces turn bright red. Pete ends the kiss and looks down. He doesn't even want to look at him. "Yes Petey!" Jimmy whisper yells.

Gary just glares at him for a while. "Petey." Gary starts. Pete looks up at him. "You like me?"

Pete nods in response and instantly gives him a weak smile. Gary then places his hand on Pete's shoulder and kissed him back. The kiss lasted for about 10 seconds. Jimmy was shook. He was covering his mouth.

The class was watching. Some preps at their abandoned beach house watched. "Petey and Gary guys." A student says. "How weird. A sociopath and an innocent together." Another says.

"One thing though." Pete says. "What?" Gary asks. "You gotta stop being a weirdo."
"Yeah, I know." Gary responds.

Jimmy runs towards Pete and Gary. "Wait, Gary. You like Pete?" Jimmy asks him. "I liked him since I was 13." Gary answers. "Why did you start liking him." Jimmy asks another.

"Stop asking questions." Gary avoids. Gary could hear gossiping from the students. He's not deaf. He hears everything, and sees everything. The class ends and everyone took the bus back to school. This time, Pete was sitting next to Gary. They were cuddling.

I think me constantly adding songs by the neighbourhood is getting pretty stupid and annoying now. Idk. IDK OKAY, HOW ABOUT YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE.

*cries* *runs to Pete* *hugs Pete*

"Ignore the haters..." Pete tells me while petting me like a dog.

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