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It's been a couple of months since Gary has been kept in the Happy Volts Asylum . He was getting use to it sure, but he really hated it though. Gary gets his unpleasant looking lunch and takes a seat on one of the tables. He always sat alone. Gary didn't make any friends, it's hard to make friends there.

Usually it would be easy for him to make friends. Or, make people think they are friends. "I don't need friends anyways." Gary though. He consumes his food which most people disliked.

He gets up to throw the remaining food away and he walks back to his table. "What the fuck!" Gary shouts. He sees someone in his seat. The person in Gary's seat turns to him. "Whatcha gonna do about it little kid?" The adult says. Gary clenches his fists and closes his eyes.

He started talking to himself. "Don't Do it Gary. It will only make things worse." Gary stops everything and takes another seat far from the adult. Gary sighs. He knew the consequences if he did fight, he would have gotten dragged away from the cafeteria and back to his cell.

Time skip

Cafeteria time was over and they were brought to their cells for a while. Gary sat on his bed staring at the wall. He started to cry. Having mental breakdowns would usually happens to him everyday. He shoves his face to his pillow to cry loudly and no one would hear.

He lays down and throws the pillow across the cell room. He just glared at the ceiling. He gets off the bed and stands up. He feels like the room is spinning making him dizzy and lose his balance and fall down. An orderly passed by and looked inside Gary's cell.

"Are you Okay?" The orderly asks. Gary looks up at him and stands back up unsteadily almost losing his balance. "Yeah I'm fine." Gary responds.

"It's group therapy time. Come on." He says, opening his cell. Gary gets out and gets escorted to another room with others around his age. He takes a seat and everyone talked eventually. It took one hour.

Patients return to their cells. Gary sits in the corner of the room. "I hate Jimmy so much!" Gary complains. He hears sounds of walking getting louder and louder. He assumes it's coming towards his room.

Then knocking was heard. Gary walks in front of the door cell. The orderly was there. "Gary, you have a visitor." He says. "Who is it?" Gary asks. He was hoping for it to not be his parents because he hated them and don't even want to see them.

The guy whispers his name to the orderly. "It's your friend Pete." He tells Gary. Gary rolls his eyes. "Pete? Whatever, let him in." Gary sighs. He watches Pete slowly come in. Pete gave a weak smile and waves.

"Hi Petey. What do you want?" Gary rudely asks him. "I just want to ask you how your doing..." Pete answers. Gary walks closer to Pete. He scoffs. "How I'm doing? Your asking how I'm doing???" Gary asks. "Yeah..." Pete gulps. Gary grabs Pete by the arm. "You don't know how horrible this place is, Pete help me!" Gary shakes Pete constantly.

"Uhhh." Pete backs away, not knowing what to do. "Pete, you gotta get me outta here please. I'm begging you!" Gary whispers loudly. Pete pushes Gary's hand off his arm. "Gary...I.." Pete starts.

"Times up! Get out, and I'm pretty sure your suppose to be in class right now anyways." The adult says. Pete walks away and the cell door closes.

"Wait, no." Gary says holding the bars from the small window of the door, looking out. He then backs away from the door and takes another step. He kicked something that looks like a envelope. Gary picks it up and sits on his bed. He opens the envelope. He looks at the letter which reads:

Dear Gary,
Hey, it's Pete. The real reason I visit you was to secretly give you this letter. Everyone started hating on Jimmy again. They keep saying that you are better... I don't get it, people hates me too and everyone wants you back. Jimmy tries to get them back at his side but it's not working.

Gary started thinking. He realized that he still has a chance to take over the school. He tries to make an escape plan so he could get out of here.

I think this ending is lame. I just didn't know what to write. Shame on me right? If you enjoyed this then wow. I promise you, the next time I post it will be better than this. Btw, I rushed this. This took me an hour to write so it's not the best I can do. Oh god this story is not that good...

Update: Never mind, I reread it and it's fine lol

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