Lazy Extra story

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Lazy bonus... (not a continuation) don't have to read. I'm still mad about Valentine's Day.
FYI: Yes this is literally what happened to me in Valentine's Day.

Pete is casually walking through the crowded ass hallways. He gets pushed from the sides, in front, and in the back of him most of the time. (Me lmao) Sometimes would get late.

It was Valentine's Day and so far Pete only got a chocolate kisses from Gary. Gary had a whole big bag of them but he only gave Pete one. Pete even watched Gary give other students get more than one.

Yes, all I got was a fucking chocolate kisses. And it rained. Worst Valentine's Day.

Finally Pete gets out of that hallway. He was walking his way to math class. "Here you go." A girl says handing Pete an fucking empty water bottle. Pete grabs it without thinking and the girl walks away. "What the fuck?" Pete whispers to himself.

"Here, I'll get this from you." Gary says. He grabs the empty water bottle from Pete.

To be honest, when this happened to me, I would have been left really pissed off. Thank god my friend grabbed it for me that moment.

Pete raises his eyebrow wondering why he would do that. They walk into another crowded hallway. Gary is next to Pete. Pete watches Gary toss the water bottle across the halls.

I laughed my ass off when my friend just threw it across the damn halls. So nice of her...

Pete scoffs. Gary glances at him and pushes through the crowd. "Dang, he just ditched me like that." Pete tells himself. He walks outside and it was pouring. No umbrella and he quickly became soaked like the author.

Eventually, Pete gets to math class. "Your late!" The teacher said. "What? I got here in time!" Pete argues. "You didn't sit down. You have to sit down to be present. It's too late now!" He explains. He even had a weird costume on.

"Fudge..." Pete looks down. He sits on his chair. We did some problems we do in the beginning of class all the time.

Since Pete was good at math he knew he got it right. Pete raises his hand for the teacher to check his work. "Wrong, you messed up on one step. That step was an addition problem hint hint." Pete's jaw drop.

Pete starts to blame himself. "How could I mess up on that?! It's fucking 5 plus 7. Isn't it 14? Wait! It's 12!!" Pete facepalms. He erases his work and starts over. Then Pete feels a tap on his shoulder. He turns behind him. It was a girl. "Happy Valentine's Day." She says.

Pete sees her pull out an empty water bottle but with trash inside it. Pete just turns back to continue his work.

I'm a savage... I literally started hating her for that. I was fine with her in the start.

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