Keep You Warm

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It is after school and it's a snowy day at bullworth. Gary is walking around campus just admiring the snow. As he was, he feels a snowball hit him from behind. Gary turns quickly. "Jimmy, don't throw that at me!" Gary points at him. Jimmy just runs. Gary just smiles afterwards.

He decides to just go inside the dorms. Just to keep warm. Gary patted the snow off him and went inside his room. He lied on his bed. He starts to talk to himself, sometimes some negative things that he's insecure about but he compliments himself after. He loves himself.

"Ahh, I'm cute." Gary says to himself. He fixes his hair and puts on his beanie. He puts on a long sleeve shirt over his undershirt and puts on a plain grey hoodie. He thought it looks fine. He was warm at least.

He wanted to see if Pete was doing okay. He knocks on Pete's door but no answer. He knocks a little louder but still no answer. "Open the fucking door Femme boy." Gary says kicking the door lightly. "Don't hide from me Petey."

Gary didn't know what to do but just, he guess, leave Pete alone. If Pete was even in his room this whole time...

He walks out the dorms and felt slightly cold. He looks around to see some guys just stripped to their boxers and socks. "What the fuck.." Gary prepares a snowball and throws it at the nearly naked person. "Oh shit, I got a frostbite!" The person complains. Gary scoffs and walks away.

He finds a skateboard. Gary tells himself 'screw it' and starts to skate around outside of the school. He views the beach which the sand was replaced by snow but the water was still water and not ice. If it was ice, that would be crazy.

He gets off his bike and walks around the beach. He sees Kirby and Damon run pass me, laughing. Gary watches them run with an eye brow raised. He was wondering why they were laughing. When Gary looks back forward he sees a short kid shivering his ass off. Gary squints to see who it was.

"Petey?" Gary whispers to himself. He runs to Pete. Pete was looking down with tears. The tears were invisible to Gary since Pete was soaking wet. "Your wet! We need you to get warm right now." Gary holds Pete's hand and runs to the abandoned beach house.

"Don't worry, I have the keys. I'm pretty sure Jimmy won't mind right?" Gary says unlocking the door. He opens it and lets Pete in. Pete sits down on the horrible looking bed. "Okay, why the hell were you there soaking wet and not dressed properly?" Gary asks.

"I didn't do it on purpose." Pete says. "Okay, That doesn't really answer it." Gary sits next to him. "I was just about to watch tv. I had no warm clothes on that time, I didn't have the chance yet. Then I get pulled off the couch by Kirby and Damon was there too. They dragged me out the dorms, to the beach and threw me to the ice cold water." Pete explains.

"Here, I found some blankets." Gary leans to get the blankets from the floor and wraps it around Pete. Gary looks at him worried. Pete was very pale and cold. "Are you warm now?" Gary ask. "Yeah, I'm fine, I think." Pete responds.

Gary gets up. "Be right back." He says as he leaves. Pete sat there still shivering. He knew that he is still not warm. For some reason, Pete is just too shy to talk about it.

It took a while for Gary to return but he came back. "Okay, this is yours and this is mine." Gary hands Pete a cup of hot coffee. Pete shakes his head and pulls it away. "No? Aren't you cold?" Gary places both cups of coffees down on the table.

"I am, I just d-don't want coffee!" Pete admits. "Fine, you still have to drink it later though. Drink it before it goes cold or something, at least." Gary tells him. Pete nods. "How cold are your hands?" Gary asks. "How am I suppose to answer that? I don't know. It's pretty cold?" Pete says.

Gary rolls his eyes. "Okay..."

"I'll beat them up later." Gary tells Pete. "Don't, they'll just come after me more." Pete says. "If they fight you again, I could always beat them again." Gary scoots closer to Pete and wraps his arm around him.

"Want your coffee now?" He asks Pete. "Yeah Fine." Pete leans to get the coffee and takes a sip. He was way warm and comfortable now. It was true that Pete never liked coffee but he just drank it anyways because he was cold. Pete eventually finished and placed it back down on the table.

"It's getting dark, we should probably head back." Gary says. "I wanna stay inside, I just got warm." Pete lays on the bed and covers himself with the blankets. Gary lays next to him. "I want to make sure your safe here. Anyone could see you here and try to break in for some odd reason." Gary states.

"I'm fine, you could go. I'm warm. No one will see me here since the windows are very foggy." Pete explains. "Nah, I've done everything to keep you warm so far, why should I just leave you here?" Gary wraps his arms around Pete.

"Also, this is not cuddling, this is called sharing body heat so don't think that." Gary tells him. "It seems like cuddling Gary." Pete says. "Shut up!" Gary holds in tighter.

"I'm sweating!" Pete falls off the bed. "Get up." Gary helps Pete get back on. "Fine, since your making this complicating, I'll just sleep on the floor." Gary gets one blanket and sleeps on the cold wooden floor. Pete glances down at Gary. "I'm fine with that." Pete says.

It rarely snows where I live and it's been a bizarre snow day lately these past days. My first time seeing snow in person in probably 11 or 12 years. So I made this, hope you liked it.

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