〰Love Note〰

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Gary x Jimmy

(I started looking at Smopkins art and I just thought about making a oneshot about one so yeah) This is pretty long..

Gary sat his ass down on the couch in the Boy's dorm. He watched some TV. Usually Petey would take over the TV but this time, he took long naps instead. Especially between classes. Gary was having a good time until he sees the TV screen shatter right before his eyes.

"Uhh, What the fuck?" Gary looks behind him to see Jimmy holding his slingshot in his left hand. "What was that for?" Gary was puzzled.

"That show sucks balls." Jimmy says. Gary facepalms and walks towards him. "You could have just turned the tv off. Why'd you have to destroy it?" Gary asks. "Like I said, that show sucks balls." Jimmy replies.

Gary sighs. "Get out of here, moron."

Jimmy walks inside his room and never shuts the door of course. Pete always shuts his door though. There is not one time where he has his door open and he even locks it.

time skip

Gary's POV
Jimmy and I were hanging out behind the Boys dorm building. We sat and talked. "So um, will you?" I look at him. "No I'm not Gary, let it go." Jimmy refuses.

I frown at him. "Don't you want to be king of the school. YOU can be king instead of me, just do it." I try to convince him. Jimmy shakes his head. "I don't like this, Gary." He tells me. I get annoyed a little.

"Fine, I'll do it myself." I get up. Jimmy brings me back down. "No, Gary... Stop it." Jimmy grabs my hand. I was caught off guard when he did. I pull my hand away and look at him.

"I just wanted to say that taking over the school is not gonna do you any good." Jimmy says. "That doesn't tell me anything James." I then walk away, uncomfortable after what happened. I decide to hang with Petey instead since he will more likely listen to a dick like me.

I try finding him and oh! There he is, being shouted at by the Bullies.

Why would they be picking on him though?

The bullies leave and Pete. I walk towards him. "What are you, gonna cry?" I ask. Pete pushes me a little and runs into the dorms. I walk inside the cafeteria and got a paper out.

I wanted to write a letter to Jimmy. Hopefully it doesn't sound clingy or anything. I just want to get along with him more.

Jimmy's POV
Since class was about to start, I open my locker and got my art supplies. I took a seat in art class and waited until class actually starts. I see Gary walk in and place a paper on my desk. I quickly look at it.

It says: don't take this the wrong idea but I wanna get to know you more. Maybe hang out in the beach or in the gym at the pool area. I prefer the pool area. We could sneak there, don't get caught because we will be meeting there past curfew. I will see you in 11:30 pm. It will be fun I promise. Don't forget your a MORON. Yeah...

I look at him again. I couldn't stop thinking about that note. I'm not sure if I like him like that though.

time skip

I lay on my bed for a while and waited until it was 11:30. I watched some YouTube. I wanted the weird ass videos from my recommended though. I listened to some music. The good kind of music you know. Alternative rock music.

I glance at my watch showing 11:22. I got up and brought some snacks and 2 sets of earbuds just in case if Gary wants to listen to my shit too. Nah, I'll just bring one of them, he doesn't wanna listen to the type shit music I listen to.

I head out the dorms and ran there. The prefects are dumb, can't do their job right. They heard me but for some reason didn't even try to catch me. It's like they give up because they know they are never gonna catch me.

I went to the Pool like Gary asked. I went here pretty early, it's only 11:27. Luckily Gary was already here. "You actually came...?" Gary walks up closer. It was dark, no lights. "Yeah, why wouldn't I?" I look around. Gary looks around too. "I'm pretty sure there is lights around here somewhere." Gary says

"I actually like it dark. I could actually see outside through the windows. I tell him. Gary nods. I sat on the ground and leaned on the wall. Gary sat next to me.

"Hey Jimmy."


"I started taking my meds again."

"Uhh great!" I say, not knowing how to really respond to that.

Gary watches me plug my earbuds into my phone and started listening to music. He was probably pissed that I'd rather listen to music than hear his voice.

"What song is that?" Gary asks. "Why?" I ask. "I could hear it. Can I listen to it?" Gary scoots closer to me. Um well damn, I knew I should have brought those extra earbuds. "Yeah sure." I give him the earbud. We had to share earbuds. "Never mind, that's bad." Gary takes it off quick. That actually hit me but it's fine.

"Wait are you for real?" I ask him.

"No, but I just don't listen to that type of music." Gary explains.

Gary gets up. "Where ya going?" I get up also. "I wanna get the pool lights on. I also wanna fill the pool so we could swim." Gary says. I smile. I haven't swam in a while. I opened a chip bag, ate and waited.

Gary walks away and I see the lights of the pool glow. Gary then rushes back downstairs. He grabs a hose out of nowhere and started filling up the pool. I get excited.

It took a while but the pool was finally filled. Gary then took off his shirt. I did the same. I had a feeling we had to swim so I had my swim shorts under my pants. I took my pants off. Before Gary jumped in the pool, I did and the water splashed all over Gary.

"I'm not even done taking off my pants, now my clothes are wet. Fuck you Hopkins." Gary says. His response only makes it funnier. I could see Gary's face turn into a crimson color.

Gary then jumped in. "Lets race." Gary suggests. "I like races." I tell him. Gary winks at me. We swam to the end. We started swimming and since I haven't swim in a while, I lost. "How did you win? When was the last time you swam?" I ask Gary.

"Yesterday, the fuck?" Gary laughs. I sigh. "Whatever."

"The last time I swam was with that prep because he thought I couldn't beat him." I reply. "Okay." Gary simply says. I them started splashing water on Gary. He tried splashing back but he couldn't. It just makes my laugh more.

"Oops, my wristband slipped off." Gary looks down. "I'll get it for you." I insists. I go underwater and held in my breath. I managed to grab it. I went back up and caught my breath. "Woah thanks." Gary snatches it and puts it back on. "Yeah."

After a while of having fun swimming. We got out and Gary handed me a towel. We dried up and put on the same disgusting clothes we had earlier. Gary and I ate the snacks I brought and watched some YouTube. Also, we talked about Pete about how weak and feminine he is.

Gary gets up all of a sudden. "Where are you going?" I turn my phone off and gather up my stuff. "I'm heading out." Gary responds. "Why?" I ask. "I'm getting sleepy anyways, it's 2:49." Gary says. "Oh okay." I say, getting up. "That was the best date." Gary says. "Wait what?!" I turn pink.

"I'm kidding." Gary punches me in the shoulder lightly. He kissed me on the lips. "Also, I want to give this to you." Gary hands me his wristband. I grab it and put it around my wrist and looked at it for a while. He left. I thought about him for the rest of the night.

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