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Pete wakes up from his annoying ass alarm. He turns it off. Pete gets up and changes into some light clothes. After changing, he goes to Gary's room to check if he's awake or even there. Gary was sleeping still. Pete found it weird how organized Gary's room is though. Pete closes the door.

He didn't even know what to do next. It's just another hard day in this dump. It was Saturday and Pete decides to just watch TV.

Pete started thinking. He was thinking what his life would be like if Gary wasn't here. Everything would be boring without him. Then Pete starts thinking about Jimmy. Jimmy would sometimes make him feel better.

Pete makes a loud sigh. He watches the swim team. Sometimes, he is afraid to even put it on tv because Gary always teases him about it.

A while later, Pete turns the tv off and feels a warm hand on his shoulder. Pete jumps and quickly turns. Of course it was Gary. "I hate whenever you do that Gary." Pete says getting up. "Cry about it Petey." Gary responds. "Shut up!" Pete shouts.

"All you do is just make me miserable. How about I mess with your feelings?!" Pete tells Gary. "Okay fine, I'm sorry. I'll just do it myself then." Gary says. "Do what?" Pete asks. "Nothing, it's just something I came up with, but I need a partner." Gary explains.

Pete crosses his arms. "Uhhh, Okay I'll help you. Why can't you just ask Jimmy though?" Pete points out. Gary glances at Jimmy's room. "Him? Nah, he's not gonna help. He only helps if he gets money." Gary tells Pete. He nods.

"I gotta go now, it's pretty boring anyways..." Gary mumbles as he leaves the dorms. Pete debates if he should follow Gary and help.

He then gets text messages from Jimmy:

Jimmy: Petey, I need help with something.

Pete: I'm already helping Gary with something

Jimmy: Forget about that sociopath. I was already planning on ditching his ass

Pete: I can't do that...

Jimmy: what, ditch him?

Pete: Yeah

Jimmy: Whatever, just this one time ignore him and help me instead.

Pete: Uhh let me think, I'll see you if I decide to help you. If not, I guess that's to bad.

Jimmy: I'm at the prep's boxing gym.

Pete turns his phone off and shoves it in his pocket. His head starts to hurt a little. Pete heads out the dorms, goes on his bike and bikes there.

When he enters in, he sees Jimmy boxing the preps. Pete hated fights but he hated the preps a lot. Jimmy was boxing Bif. He throws another punch and Bif collapses. Jimmy then starts talking to the preps about how better he is at boxing than Bif.

Pete walks closer. Jimmy turns to Pete. "Pete go!" Pete got clueless. "Pete! Start punching!" Jimmy shouts at him. The preps constantly looks at Pete then Jimmy.

Derby runs towards Pete but Pete immediately throws marbles on the ground and Derby falls and a couple of other preps who followed him fell.

Jimmy gets off the boxing ring and starts punching them. Pete didn't even know what to do, he always needed someone to teach him to fight but no one did. Pete swallows the remaining saliva in his mouth and just stood there. After Jimmy beats almost all the preps, Pete sees Jimmy getting beaten pretty badly. He couldn't just stand there anymore so he came up to them and hit Gord in the head the hardest he can.

"Thanks Pete...... watch out!" Jimmy points behind Pete. Pete moved quick and the prep fell and just lay there. There were all beaten now. "I did nothing, I feel really bad." Pete looks down. "No, you at least did something. You made the preps fall which slowed them down. You took that gay prep off me and knocked him out. You did do something." Jimmy cheers him up. Pete smiles

"Jimmy, I don't know how angry Gary would be. I didn't help him." Pete says. "Oh, maybe just tell that idiot you were helping someone better than him." Jimmy tells Pete. Pete just nods and walks away.

Pete tries to find Gary. He couldn't text Gary because Gary blocked him. Pete looks in the dorms, gym, library, around the town, and the cafeteria. He was no where. Pete didn't check the forest though because he was always afraid to go there.

Pete walks to the forest. Lord, it looked sketchy there. He hears a loud noise which hurt his ears for a while. Pete thought it sounded like a fucking gunshot.

He sees the birds flying away from that area. Pete became curious and follows where the birds flew away from. It was a whole empty space where the birds flew away. It was an empty space circled with trees. There was a car in the middle though. The car was damaged bad.

Pete looks around the car. He sees a gun. He wasn't surprised, of course it was a gun, but who shot it? Pete walks closer to the gun. He sees the gun but next to it he sees...

"Shit..." Pete drops to his knees leaving him shocked. Gary was laying on the ground with a blood stained shirt and he was bleeding from his mouth. Pete makes Gary sit up. "Gary hey, wake up. What happened." Pete rushes his words. Gary starts to slowly open his eyes, blinking. He grabs his stomach. Pete stares at him with a concerned face.

"Gary speak, what happened." Pete asks again. "The gun..." Gary barely says. Pete glances at the gun. That didn't help. Gary closes his eyes again. Pete starts slapping his face lightly to wake him up. "Gary come on!" Pete shouts.

Gary woke up again. "Fuck, what the hell happened..." Gary starts wiping the blood off his mouth. "That's what I'm asking you!"

"I think I shot myself..." Gary responds. "You think?" Pete starts yelling. "I was only testing the gun I stole, I shot the car and... and the bullet bounced back I think." Gary starts coughing.

"I hated this world anyways. Thank god this will all be over soon." Gary smiles weakly. "What the hell Gary, no! Your not dying." Pete starts to think a lot. Too much was coming into his brain so he starts crying. "Why are you crying, isn't this better for the both of us? I know you would be happier without me."

Pete shook his head, frowning. "No, It would be boring as hell without you Gary." Pete pulls his phone out and calls 911. "No! Don't you dare!" Gary slaps the phone out of Pete's hand. "Stop talking Gary, it will hurt even more." Pete reaches the phone and goes away from Gary.

He finishes the call. "The police and ambulance are coming to get you soon." Pete explains. "Uhh, fuck you Petey, I'm fucking shot. You know I'm gonna be a goner at the hospital." Gary spits blood. Pete ignored what he said. he was worried about him.

"Just keep pressure on the wound." Pete tells Gary. Gary listens because it burned like hell, he had no choice. Pete places his hand on Gary's to keep pressure also. Gary was groaning in pain. Blood was all over Gary and on Pete's hands.

"Why can't you just shoot me to make this pain all go away, this is your chance." Gary says. "Gary just shut up." Pete tells him. Gary starts to fall asleep again. Pete didn't want to wake him up all over again because all Gary is gonna do is complain and feel pain.

Pete tore his shirt and wraps it around Gary's torso. He looks homeless but that didn't matter of course. Pete waits next to Gary. Siren noises were heard. The police and ambulance came and picked him up and put him on a gurney. Pete watches Gary go inside the truck. He regrets helping Jimmy. He regrets not helping Gary. So many regrets.

Pete never ditched Gary's ass because the Gary he knew back in elementary and middle school was his best friend. Now he began to realize that, that Gary was long gone. Pete didn't want to lose someone so special to him - his first friend.

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