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"That should be all, Miss! Now, are you just going to stand there, or are you gonna pay up?" The Mover wiped a thin layer of sweat from his forehead and held out his hand for the cash.

Without replying, I took out thirty scrumpled up dollars from my pocket and handed it to him. He gave me an empty grin and backed up. I slammed my door in his face, hearing a faint groan of pain come from the male.

I walked away and looked at the living room full of four boxes and two duffle bags. Since I didn't get to tour the house before, I checked the kitchen to see a fridge and oven already installed.

"Lucky me," I faintly smiled. I walked out and went into the bathroom, seeing a toilet, sink and shower. I turned to my bedroom and found a wooden double bed in the center of the room. A new mattress was on the frame. With both a pillow and a duvet already spread out.

I slid into the bed and just stared at a wall. I noticed a closet it and quickly opened it to see it empty.

For some reason, a packet of unopened gum was in the corner. I picked it up and read the expire date.

It was still usable until next month! I slipped it into my hoodie pocket and flopped back onto the bed. Pretty comfortable.

I thought about how school was in two days, considering it being Friday and all. I still had the weekend to look for a job to pay rent for this house.

I sighed and snuggled into my sweater, keeping warm. I closed my eyes and fell into a dreamless sleep.

•  v  •

A few hours had passed and I was already up and running... Well not literally. I had gone to the local grocery store that always seemed to close at odd times, and had gotten food. It was mainly monster food, so I had to go to the librarby to borrow some cookbooks.

If I'm going to be honest, I basically toured the town trying to find places. Downtown was a church/cemetary, a hospital, and a police station. The town hall was the largest building I saw, but it wasn't even that busy.

When I walked past it, I saw a man standing by with a breifcase, and he kept repeating, "If you want to see the mayor, you have to book an appointment with her."

When I did enter the grocery store, I was immediately met with a lazy vibe. The repeated tune of a track and the slight smell of ketchup and dry paint made me feel tired. In a good way of course.

That's where I met the owner and worker, Sans. We had an awkward first greeting, until he explained he was also new to this town.

There wasn't much to talk about, but we mostly exchanged puns after hearing relatable comments from me.

"You ever feel like you can't do something? So you just don't donut?" I sighed, rubbing my face tiredly, even if I just slept half an hour ago. I was curious to see if Sans would catch onto me, which he did straight away. A grin over took his features.

"yeah.. i know what ya mean. i can never ketchup to my lil' bro's expectations."

"At yeast someone knows what I mean." I responded. We talked a little more as he payed for my items slowly. After my items gad all been successfully payed for, I bid him a farewell.

"hopefully i'll see more of ya, kiddo." Sans called. I turned and gave him a wave

So, as I sat down on the small grey couch, I wondered what the other monsters of this town were like. I remember walking around, hearing hushed whispers from people.

"Oh! Look another human.."

"Do you think she's as creepy as him?"

Into the Dark | kris x reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now