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After two members of the "Fun Gang" finished off their topic of a name, we were almost don on the checker board when we saw Lancer again.

"Well well, if it ain't the Friendlt Fun Gang?" He, again, mocked a cowboy accent.

"Lancer! What is this time!?" Ralsei yelled in frustration.

"Hohoho.. I'm just warning you...!" He took an abrupt step forward.

"Somethig really dangerous is ahead of you!" Another step.

"Hohoho! It's actually really inconvenient!" Another step.

"Ha, I can't even go home because I'm so scared!" His voice only slightly cracked.

"Wh.. what is it!?" Susie stuttered. We walked forwards and saw the small checker piece again. It was bobbing up and down like a cute dog.

"Oh, hey little guy." Ralsei cooed.

"That? That's what you're afraid of?" Susie asked, confused.

"W.. wow Purple girl! You're not scared?!" Lancer yelled, surprised.

"Heh, why would I be? What's it gonna do? Attack me?" She asked teasingly.

"Hmm, well actually..." He nervously stated.

The checker piece moved onto the red tile at the end of the board and a small golden crown fell onto its head. The piece free bigger in size and earned itself some large legs.

"It crushes people to death.. I think."

We entered battle and it got into a strange stance. Kris, Ralsei and I bowed at it, and Susie continued to strike first. We eventually managed to loosen the crown enough for it to fall off of the checker piece.

"W-We did it?!" Susie exclaimed. I wanted to face palm real bad.

"Wow! You clowns really are heroes! You saved the next twenty minutes of my life!" Lancer yelled, sighing in relief.

"Yeah, yeah, I am pretty cool aren't I?" Susie boasted.

"Susie? Not to be rude, but... You didn't help at all. You actually made everything worse.. if you just acted nicely, we could have avoided that entire battle." Ralsei stated.

"Are you for real? That thing was bloodthirsty! The only thing keeping it down was my axe!"

"And earlier you terrorized those troops..." Ralsei continued.

"Woah..! They had it coming!" Susie crossed her arms.

"Y-yeah!" Lancer butt in.

"And before you ate an innocent person cake.."

Susie turned away and looked at he ground. She turned back to Ralsei. "Cakes.. are also my enemy."

"... Susie, whether you like it or not.. you're a hero. One with the power to bring peace for the future. Could you please start acting like one?"

"Yeah, when you say it like that... I have been a pretty bad hero haven't I? .."

Ralsei nodded.

"Alright, Ralsei. You got it. I'll change. From now on, I won't be a bad hero," She sighed and walked over to Lancet's side. "I'll just be one of the bad guys instead!"

Ralsei jumped in suprise.

"R.. really?!" Lancer yelled in excitement. "You're gonna be on my team?"

"Yeah, sounds easier, honestly." She nodded lazily.

"S-Susie, you can't just-"

"Quiet Toothpaste boy! Susie is on my team now!" Lancer giddily yelled.

Into the Dark | kris x reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now