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I stared at him, still standing up right, arms against my sides and body relaxed.

"For a teenage human, you're taking this strangely well." He raised an eyebrow in suprise and I only gave him a small nod, examining him.

".. Yes. Yes, I am. So, where are we?" I ask, finally taking in the nothingness of our surroundings.

"I could call this the void, as it is strikingly familiar, but it's smaller in comparison. This is you're mind." He explained.

I nodded again. "Why am I here?"

"As you heard me before, these resets are what helped me contact you at last. I do not exist in this universe, or any at all. So to be here is purely luck visiting me."


"You're probably wondering what a reset is, are you not?" He chuckled lowly to himself.

"A reset doesn't appear for just anybody. You have to have an abnormal amount of Determination flowing -not just through your soul- but your body." He began walking in a random direction, motioning for me to follow.

"That's when a button appears. You can either reset or continue. Resetting meaning you will begin at the starting point of a certain event or before the save file."

"And continue, meaning if you die, you can come back and try what you couldn't do again."

"Wait, wait! Why are you telling me this?" I tilt my head in confusion, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Silly girl, don't you understand? You were part of both this timeline, and the other timelines from the erased world. If not for me, you wouldn't be here." We continued to walk around in the darkness.

"You're human friend Kris would know a little about this." He spoke.

"Kris? But what would he..." I trailed off, recalling a scene from a few days ago.

Looking behind me, I watched Kris grab thin air. Then he started to tap the thin air. Then he walked up to me. I tilted my head.

"What was that?" I ask, curiosity laced in my tone.

"What was what?" He replied, pretending I didn't just see what he did.

"You were over there," I pointed to the space and walked to where he stood. "And then you did this."

I grabbed the air carefully. "And then this." I tapped the air.

"Oh, you saw that.." he rubbed his arm gently.

"Yeah." I walked up to him.

"Well, it's hard to explain.." He mumbled.

"Just say it in a way that makes sense to you." I place a gloved hand on his shoulder.

"Well, it's technically what you would call a save file. But only I can see it because of my soul trait, Determination." He explained.

He was about to speak again when he stopped. I felt as if there was a more and deeper level to this "save file". I didn't say anything though.


"Yes, he didn't say much, because not even he knows what is happening."

"It's much of a suprise that the pacifist human and the devil child managed to move onto the next world." He laughed to himself.

Into the Dark | kris x reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now