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The sound of my alarm rang, notifying me that it was twelve in the afternoon. I was never a morning person, and I never had to worry about getting to work early in the morning, so I wall allowed to come in the afternoon.

"Another sunny day." I told no one in particular. I hadn't put the curtains up, so I saw the sun high in the sky, beaming down at me with its rays. I yawned and rubbed my eyes before getting up to stretch.

My bones popped and clicked satisfyingly before I went to my closet in search for clothes. I took out light grey sweatpants and a F/C long-sleeve top. I put on some worn out black sneakers and headed into the kitchen.

I remembered the gift basket and immediately got to work. There were two packets of chisps, a box of cartons of fruit juice, canned tomato soup, golden buttercups, monster candy, chocolate and... pencils. A welcome note was tied with ribbon onto the basket. I carefully took it apart and read the note.


I read it over once more and shook my head with a quiet chuckle. I placed the fruit juice inside the fridge with all my stocked up groceries.

I placed all the other things in their rightful places and untied the ribbon off of the basket, setting it on the countertop. I left the basket in my living room by the couch, and went into the bathroom to do my business and such.

As I came out, I remembered all that I had to do today. If I do it today, tomorrow will be my lazy day... hopefully. I went to my room and slipped my ancient cell phone into my pocket and exited the house.

My street was quiet, and the grocery store wasn't far from here, only a corner away. I live just behind that pezza shop. After seeing Sans, it was decided that I would go to the small flower shop, Flower King.

Hands in my pockets, I quietly walked across the pavements, hearing the tapping of my feet. As I crossed the road, it became louder. A group of feline monsters were walking past, probably to one of the restaurants.

There were three adult cats, and one that looked about my age, on her phone. I looked back at the pavement and went to see if the store was open. Thankfully, it was, so I stepped inside to be met with the same tune and scent from yesterday.

"y/n, glad to see ya. come back for that job offer?" He chuckled. Having nothing to say, I nodded and he continued.

"i've never done this before, so let's just make this frank. what's your experience in stores?" He asked.

"I'm good with chash machines, and I can stock up the aisles." I stated. That was a pretty pitiful and quick interview.. but at least I was honest.

"okay, lemme see ya in action." He points to the cash machine and I go behind it. He picks up a bottle of ketchup... and a few more.. and just a couple more.. one more before emptying his arms full of the condiment.

I got to work on scanning the bottles one by one before shoving them to the side. "That will be twenty dollars." I looked up at Sans and he was surprised.


"What?" I ask, feeling suddenly uncomfortable under his gaze.

"h-how did you do that?" He asks, disbelief in his features.

"Do what?"

"scan all of my ketchup bottles in under a minute?"

"You should pay up before calling these fifteen bottles yours." He sighs and gets out his wallet, slowly counting his pieces of gold.

I pressed buttons and the cash machine opened up, showing messy rows of cash and change. Without saying anything, I quickly rearranged them until it was tidy. Sans glanced at the machine and his eyes widened before he slouched and returned his normal lazy posture.

"you're gonna be my saviour, kiddo." He replied. "welp, housabout you get started on your first day of work while i'm on break. if I don't come back close the shop around three." He piled his pockets and arms with the condiment bottles and snapped his fingers before disappearing.

Then I was left alone, the tune still playing. I walked around the shop, knowing the bell would chime to signalling a customer coming in.

I cleared up the aisles and made space for any other new items Sans might want to add. I did this for a while until I heard the bell chime. I walked behind the till and waited for the customer patiently.

I managed to see two figures walking around. I heard, what seemed to be a lady, talking to someone else whose voice I didn't even hear. "Kris, pick out any one thing you'd like." I heard the footsteps of Kris travel the aisles until they came to a stop

Then I heard padded footsteps and assumed it was the lady's. Both the monsters resumed down the aisles as I waited behind the counter, still patient.

After ten or so minutes, they finally finished picking out things and stopped in front of the till. That's when I saw the two monsters. Well monster and person. A goat lady with a purple dress and reading glasses smiled at me while a human boy stood stating at nothing in particular.

He wore a green and yellow striped jumper with worn brown jeans and shoes. "Oh, hello! You just be our new resident and student, Y/N!" The goat lady squealed. I nodded and she held out her hand to shake in which I took firmly.

"Yes, ma'am."

"I see you already have a job. Are you settling in well?" She asked again.

"Mhm... This is a very beautiful town, especially this season." And I was telling the truth. Autumn was a pretty season. I could only imagine spring, summer or winter.

"Yes, yes! Well, I'm glad to know you're doing alright. I'm Toriel, and this is my son, Kris." I looked back over at the boy, Kris, only to already see him staring at me.

I waved, and he waved back. All seemed awkward, so I got to work on scanning their items, placing them in two plastic bags. "Twenty-four dollars, please, ma'am." She, too, counted very slowly with her money, careful not to give me too little or too much.

She handed me the money, which I counted until I found twenty-five dollars. "You miscounted. Here, your one dollar back." I tried to hand her the paper, but she only waved me off.

"Nonsense! It's a tip, my child."

"For what?"

"Being nice."

"I was being nice?"

"Polite is the best way to put it." She ended the conversation, taking the bags in her hand before waving me a goodbye. Frisk only left silently behind her.

After the mother and son had come into the store, only a few teens my age came in. After two hours, I was finally able to close the store as Sans requested.

The sun was beginning to set as it was October. Because I didn't have a key to lock the building, I hoped I would be safe if I made it seem closed by shutting off the music and lights, and closing the door, turning the "open" sign, to the "closed" side on the window.

Once again, only the tapping of my shoes were heard and I had forgotten all about my desicion to go to the flower shop.

•  v  •

i can do anything!

.. i'm just joking i can't.

magically teleporting the words of chapters from my mind to the book? now that's something i wish i could do.

Into the Dark | kris x reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now