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kris' pov

"Oh my," Ralsei rushed towards Y/N. I don't know what to do or say. My mouth was slightly opened in shock. I took slow steps towards Y/N, watching Ralsei trying to heal her as much as he could.

Ten minutes passed, and he sighed. finally pulling himself away from Y/N. "So?" Susie mumbled. I looked up at her, glaring slightly.

"Well... your attack was pretty strong, so she dealt a lot of damage. Right now I'm a little too tired to keep on healing, so her HP is currently at forty-five." Ralsei stood up.

"I think you guys should go back to the Light world to help Y/N get better. B.. But I'd still like if if you downloaded that music if you could.." Lancer spoke up. Wow, I almost forgot he was here for a while.

He passed me his MP3 and I put it away in my pocket. I picked up Y/N bridal style, hearing a small hiss come from her.

"Kris, watch our for her wound," Ralsei started. "It's on her right side, kind of close to her stomach." He finished.

I relaxed and held her more gently, careful not to touch the wound. "Thanks," I say.

"We'll figure out how to stop the fountain next time you guys come back. Tell Y/N I said 'I hope you get better'." Ralsei smiled sweetly. I nod and face towards Susie.

"Come on," I briefly say before walking out into the corridor, and towards the fountain. I felt my soul resonating, and it left my chest, into the fountain.

Next thing you know, I'm lying down on the floor in the unused classroom, the lights off again. Susie turn them on, and we both see Y/N lying off to the side, still unconscious.

She's still in her usual clothes from this morning. A F/N hoodie, black sweatpants and sneakers. Susie crawled up to her and shook her gently.

"Y/N? Get up." She sighed shaking her a little more.

"What are you doing? Let her rest. I'm sure you remember that your the one who hit her," I say harshly.

"Not intentionally. Technically, she jumped in front of my attack, not making it my fault." She replied, showing her sharp yellow-tinted teeth.

"But you did hit her, that's the whole problem!" I yell. Suddenly, I'm pinned against the chalkboard, Susie's hot breath on my face.

"If you don't shut your mouth, I will eat your face and will have no regrets seeing your mother bury you six-feet underground."

"Well what are you waiting for?" I tempt her.

Her mouth slowly opens and I close my eyes.

"Blegh... please don't do that in front of me. I just woke up, and I have a headache." A soft voice filled the tense air.

Susie dropped me and I fell flat onto my butt. I coughed slightly and turned to see Y/N's body slouched on the ground, struggling to get up.

I got up and rushed over to her side. "Be careful, you're hurt." I say, concern laced in my tone.

"... Really? I don't feel any stinging anywhere. Only painful cramps in my sides when I move." She voices.

I snap my head at her in confusion. "Huh?"

"But Ralsei told us to be careful of your wound," Susie scratched her neck looking around the room.

Into the Dark | kris x reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now